sxmif 发表于 2024-1-10 13:54:07

C 维瓦尔第:四季(穆特)

Vivaldi: The Four Seasons
慕特, 小提琴 / 卡拉扬指挥维也纳爱乐管弦乐团
Anne-Sophie Mutter, Violin / Wiener Philharmoniker, Herbert von Karajan
Viva Vivaldi,温暖四季
音响里放入刚到手的Vivaldi的《The Four Seasons》(《四季》)。Karajan指挥的作品,Mutter的小提琴演奏,维也纳爱乐乐团演出(或许发烧友会更推崇Philips在1988年出版的Salvatore Accardo的版本)。儘管E大调第一协奏曲《Spring》(《春》)的Allegro耳熟能详,但我还是喜欢F小调第四协奏曲《Winter》(《冬》)的Allegro non molto(这是个人推崇Mutter版本的重要原因,Accardo的版本更偏重前三首的演奏)。中文译成不很快的快板。我对这种不适合中文口语的翻译相当不适应。儘管理论上很好区分,但是当年学音乐的时候,对急板快板行板中板柔板慢板广板整个就人很晕。这张Vivaldi的发烧碟不是DG的GH版本,而是EMI的,不过DDD的制作技术还是让人颇为满意的。当然,大前提是我家的音响并非真正的发烧友们所使用的HIFI级别的,对音乐听感要求并没有那么高。不需要去辨认一场交响音乐会里有几个小提琴手,几个大提琴手,他们又在哪个位置。或许可以将来考虑配一个比较好的耳机,甚至再带一个耳放去充分体验那种亲临现场的环绕感、层次感和立体感。相比之下,中唱出版的《德彪西钢琴作品精选集》的录制技术就不太尽如人意。真怀疑他们是不是还停留在ADD的早期技术水平?!
  回归主题。我喜欢《Winter》的Allegro non molto这样的节奏感,尤其violin的演奏极其的出彩。或许听音乐与人的心境总是有无可避免的关联。在紧随其后Largo到来之前,Allegro non molto表现出了一派严峻情势的景象。冬天,阳光透过巴洛克风格建筑的玻璃彩色窗户,扬起的尘埃在日光中飞扬。突然想到吴青峯在《是我的海》的歌词中的句子「是我的海/阳光的下午慢慢感染/当海不蓝/飞起的梦想都变尘埃」。一样是华丽的句子,如同Vivaldi的华丽乐章,在表面的繁复华丽之下,形势的咄咄逼人让人焦急与无奈,也让人感到绝望与挣扎。上德语课的时候,酷爱哲学的Leslie就对我们说过「有选择就会有痛苦」。面对或者退缩,那些艰难的人生啊。可终将要积极面对那些难题,终究要推开温暖的房门去迎接凛冽的寒风与冬雨。可当自己终於让自己跨出去那一步的时候,或许就会感受到那不一样的温暖,如同Allegro non molto之后的Largo,洋溢著温暖的情绪。藉助著CD里的十四行诗,我是这样臆想的。恰如巴洛克建筑的精髓:复杂性和运动感的所在,教堂顶端的华丽装饰同时留给光线足够的空间。因为有光的存在仿佛一切都能轻盈起来飞向苍穹。Vivaldi给予听者足够的想像空间以及千迴百转的情绪。难怪说Vivaldi是巴洛克风格中最重要的人物之一。
  Trembling, frozen in black frost
  in the icy blast of a bitter wind,
  hurrying, stamping one's feet at every step;
  with teeth chattering from the excessive cold;
  spending quiet, contented days at the fireside
  while the rain outside soaks to the skin;
  walking on the ice, treading slowly
  and carefully for fear of falling;
  slipping and sliding, falling down,
  then again along the ice and racing
  until the ice breaks and opens;
  to feel rushing through closed doors
  south and north wind and all the winds at war;
  this is winter, but such that it brings joy.
  May. 7, 2009 Shanghai
For those who prefer their baroque music on modern instruments, this wonderful performance by Anne-Sophie Mutter stands out as the best in a vast number of other good choices. Karajan leads the Vienna Philharmonic in a sensuous, ultra-romanticzed performance of this overplayed warhorse, and Anne-Sophie's youthful exuberance shines through (at least as much as Karajan would allow.)
EMI has issued several fine versions of the 4 seasons, including the much celebrated/maligned Nigel Kennedy version, as well as readings by Perlman and other violin superstars. This present version stands out because of its lush and creamy sound. Without question, this is the modern-instruments version of choice.
Violin Concerto "The Four Seasons", Op.8 No.1-4
Concerto No. 1 in E Major, Op.8 No.1, RV. 269 "Spring"
1. Allegro
2. Largo E Pianissimo
3. Allegro (Danza pastorale)
Concerto No. 2 in G minor, Op.8, No.2, RV.315 "Summer"
1. Allegro non molto
2. Adagio
3. Presto
Concerto No. 3 in F, Op.8, No.3, RV.293 "Autumn"
1. Allegro
2. Adagio molto
3. Allegro
Concerto No. 4 in F minor, Op.8, No.4, RV.297 "Winter"
1. Allegro non molto
2. Largo
3. Allegro

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