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法佐・賽依 (Fazil Say) 一千零一夜小提琴協奏曲、中國狂想曲 2019[24bit]FLAC

Fazil Say: 1001 Night in the Harem, Grand Bazar, China Rhapsody.
.Iskandar Widjaja, Iraz Yildiz, ORF Vienna Radio Symphony Orchestra & Howard Griffiths.


伊絲康達?韋家雅Iskandar Widjaja (小提琴)
伊拉茲?宜爾迪茲Iraz Yildiz (鋼琴)
霍華?葛瑞菲斯Howard Griffiths (指揮)
維也納廣播交響樂團ORF Vienna Radio Symphony Orchestra

土耳其鋼琴家兼作曲家法佐?賽依(Fazil Say),從出道初期就展現出色的作曲才華,他於二十六歲發行的第一張專輯就收錄自己的作品,作品中展現鋼琴超技和出色的音樂風格。無論獨奏家或是作曲家兩領域,法佐?賽依都受到稱道和樂壇肯定。法佐?賽依是土耳其知名的神童,兩歲就能做四位數的運作,不到三歲就用自製的笛子吹出「小星星」主題,因此他的父親決定送他去學雙簧管,並於三歲時正式隨名師學習鋼琴,十四歲第一首創作的樂曲就是鋼琴奏鳴曲,他編號第一號的創作更贏得紐約青少年音樂會藝術家甄選。法佐?賽依的作品經常結合土耳其當地民謠和西方元素,更常被拿來與巴爾托克、李格第等東歐作曲家相比。近年,法佐?賽依的創作逐漸從鋼琴音樂轉向管弦樂曲,包括協奏曲,同時也開始為土耳其的傳統樂器創作。.
本輯《一千零一夜》創作於2007年,,故事以《天方夜譚》為靈感,但是情節圍繞在土耳其後宮七位王妃的故事上。作品是為奧地利小提琴家─派翠西亞?柯帕琴絲卡雅(Patricia Kopatchinskaja)所創作,也由她擔任首演,至今已在許多國際音樂廳演出此曲。片中另一首《中國狂想曲》是由上海交響樂團委託所創作,並於2016年在上海音樂節首演。作品是為鋼琴和管弦樂團所寫,取自蓋希文《藍色狂想曲》的概念,採用多首傳統中國音樂的旋律為主題,曲中法佐?賽依將他早期知名的作法:約翰?凱吉的預備鋼琴也引用進來,再加上五聲音階和自身對於中國的想像,呈現出以往一般作曲家都沒有想像過的中國音像。


Fazil Say is not merely a pianist. This phenomenal Turkish musician is also a hugely talented composer, combining traditional eastern Mediterranean music with jazz, a structural rigour worthy of Haydn or Mozart and an orchestration reminiscent of Stravinsky or Ravel, all the while ensuring that his music is wonderfully original. His repertoire comprises some seventy works, ranging from symphonies to pieces for solo piano, chamber music to concertos and film music to “classical” jazz. Among other things, this album features two world premieres: the colourful Grand Bazaar written for orchestra and first performed in 2015, and China Rhapsody written for piano and orchestra, which premiered in 2016. The two works show that Say is not afraid to branch out. In the first part of the program, we find “Concerto for Violin 1001 Nights in the Harem” from 2007, a work that glitters with the decorative Arab palaces, orchestral flourishes à la Ravel, and the sensual sweatiness from those thousand and one nights in question… Howard Griffith, a conductor who has worked with many of the main Turkish composers, is in his element here with the Austrian Radio Orchestra; for the concerto we find Iskandar Widjaja, the spectacular violinist of German and Indonesian origin, quite rightly considered a cross between a popstar and a high-flying international soloist – a worthy successor, say, to Nigel Kennedy.

Iskandar Widjaja – Fazil Say: 1001 Nights in the Harem, Grand Bazar, China Rhapsody (2019)
FLAC (tracks) 24 bit/48 kHz| Time – 51:35 minutes | 535 MB | Genre: Classical
Studio Masters, Official Digital Download | Digital Booklet, Front Cover | ? Sony Classical

1. 1001 Nights in the Harem, Violin Concerto, Op. 25: I. Allegro 06:21
2. 1001 Nights in the Harem, Violin Concerto, Op. 25: II. Allegro assai 05:55
3. 1001 Nights in the Harem, Violin Concerto, Op. 25: III. Andantino 07:35
4. 1001 Nights in the Harem, Violin Concerto, Op. 25: IV. – 06:03
5. Grand Bazaar, Op. 65 09:33
6. China Rhapsody for Piano and Orchestra, Op. 69 16:21

法佐・賽依 (Fazil Say) …想曲 2019FLAC

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