delfist 发表于 2024-1-22 19:15:27

Eric Clapton 埃里克·克莱普顿 1960-2022 音乐作品合集 DSD+SACD+LP+Hi-Res+MQA+16Bit 318GB

埃里克·帕特里克·克莱普顿,CBE(Eric Patrick Clapton,1945年3月30日-),英国吉他手、歌手和作曲家。他曾经获得过19座格莱美奖,是20世纪最成功的音乐家之一,也是史上唯一一位曾三度入主摇滚名人堂的摇滚传奇人物。同时他也是有史以来最伟大的吉他手之一,2011年在滚石杂志评选的史上最伟大一百大吉他手中位列第二,在Gibson史上最伟大五十名吉他手评选中位列第四。他是不列颠帝国勋章获得者。
1970年代末,克莱普顿转向流行音乐,并且故态复萌,开始酗酒,导致住院治疗,在安提瓜岛修养了一段时间。后来他协助建立了一个毒品和酒精的治疗中心,十字路口中心(The Crossroads Centre)。
1984年,他为罗格·瓦特(Roger Waters)的个人专辑伴奏,在专辑发布后和瓦特一起巡回演出。他们一直保持着深厚的友谊,2005年再度携手参加海啸救济基金义演。2006年5月20日,两人又一起在海克利尔城堡(Highclere Castle)为支持农村联盟演出,表演了“希望你曾来到这里”(Wish You Were Here)和“舒服的麻木”(Comfortably Numb)。
1980年代,克莱普顿持续推出新作,包括两张由菲尔·柯林斯制作的唱片,一张是于1985年推出的《太阳后面》(Behind the Sun),其中有两首热门金曲,“永远的男人”(Forever Man)和“她在等待”(She's Waiting)。另一张唱片是于1986年推出的《八月》(August)。
《八月》,带有柯林斯鲜明风格的鼓点的完美演绎,至今为止是克莱普顿在英国销量最好的一张唱片,使他在音乐上的成就达到一个新的位置。第一面第三首歌曲“它伴你一路前行”(It's In The Way That You Use It)登上排行榜冠军,是汤姆·克鲁斯和保罗·纽曼(Paul Newman)合作的电影“金钱的颜色”(The Color of Money)的配乐。其它的热门歌曲还有“奔跑”(Run)、“撕开美国”(Tearing Us Apart)和“想念你”(Miss You)。
1985年,克莱普顿和迈克尔·卡曼( Michael Kamen)合作为系列剧“黑暗的边缘”(Edge of Darkness)配乐,一起获得BBC电视台英国学院电视奖(British Academy Television Award)。
1989年,克莱普顿推出了艺术和商业并重的专辑《熟练工》(Journeyman),歌曲风格从布鲁斯到爵士,流行乐。合作者汇集乔治·哈里森、菲尔·柯林斯、达利尔·豪(Daryl Hall)、夏卡·康(Chaka Khan)、米克·琼斯(Mick Jones)、大卫·桑伯(David Sanborn)和罗伯特·克雷(Robert Cray)。
1996年,克莱普顿为电影“现象”(Phenomenon)创作的“改变世界”(Change the World),获得了1997年葛莱美奖最佳年度歌曲大奖。1997年他录制了一张电子音乐专辑《零售疗法》(Retail Therapy)。次年,他发行了专辑《朝圣》(Pilgrim)。
1996年,克莱普顿和歌手及歌曲作者雪儿·克罗(Sheryl Crow)交往。两人的情侣关系维持时间不长。谣传雪儿写的“心爱的错误”(My Favorite Mistake)就是描写他们之间的爱情的。到现在两人还保持着友谊。
1999年,54岁的克莱普顿在洛杉矶结识了年仅23岁的绘画师玛利亚·麦克埃纳里。他们于2002年在克莱普顿的家乡里普利圣玛利亚·抹大拉教堂结婚。他们一共有三个女儿,朱莉·罗斯(2001年出生)、埃拉·梅(2003年出生)和索菲(2005年出生)。他为她们创作了歌曲“三个小女孩”(Three Little Girls)。
2002年10月,克莱普顿策划了在皇家艾伯特厅举行的乔治音乐会,以纪念乔治·哈里森逝世一周年。音乐会汇集了保罗·麦卡特尼、林格·斯塔、杰夫·林恩 (Jeff Lynne)、汤姆·佩蒂 (Tom Petty)等巨星。
2004年,克莱普顿一共推出两张大碟来纪念传奇布鲁斯音乐人罗伯特·约翰逊(Robert Johnson)。专辑《我和约翰逊先生》(Me and Mr. Johnson)收录了“徒劳的爱”(Love in Vain)、“最后的公平消失了”(Last Fair Deal Going Down)和“他们是火热的”(They're Red Hot)。另一张专辑《罗伯特的时间》(Sessions For Robert J)发行于同年12月,收录了一些没有被“我和约翰逊先生”采用的曲目。
2006年11月7日,他与J.J.卡尔合作,发行了专辑《通往埃斯孔迪多之路》(The Road to Escondido)。这张CD一共收录14首歌,于2005年8月在加利福尼亚录制,包括布鲁斯、摇滚和乡村音乐。这张专辑受到了全球歌迷的欢迎。
克莱普顿的正式回忆录,由克里斯多佛·西蒙·赛克斯(Christopher Simon Sykes)撰写,将于2007年出版。据报道在2005年的法兰克福书展以400万美金价格成交。


更新Early Career (1960s)

│ ├─1966 - John Mayall & Blues Breakers With Eric Clapton
│ ├─1970 - Eric Clapton
│ ├─1974 - 461 Ocean Boulevard
│ ├─1977 - Slowhand
│ ├─1985 - Eric Clapton - Behind The Sun
│ ├─1989 - Eric Clapton - Journeyman
│ ├─1992 - Unplugged (Reissue 2011)
│ ├─1994 - From The Cradle (2014, 45735-1) DSD256
│ ├─2000 - B.B. King & Eric Clapton - Riding With The King DSD
│ └─2007 - Complete Clapton (2018, 566004-1)DSD256
│ ├─1966-1981
│ └─1982-2006
│ ├─1966 - John Mayall-Blues Breakers With Eric Clapton (2011, Universal~Decca - UIGY-9043) 24bit, 88.2kHz
│ ├─1970 - Eric Clapton (2014, Polydor Records Ltd.) 24bit, 96kHz
│ ├─1974 - 461 Ocean Boulevard (1996, Polydor Records) 24bit, 96kHz
│ ├─1975 - E.C. Was Here (2014, Polydor Records) 24bit, 96kHz
│ ├─1975 - There's One In Every Crowd (2014, Polydor Records) 24bit, 96kHz
│ ├─1976 - No Reason to Cry (2014, Polydor Records) 24bit, 96kHz
│ ├─1977 - Slowhand (2013, Polydor Records) 24bit, 96kHz
│ ├─1978 - Backless (2014, Polydor Records) 24bit, 96kHz
│ ├─1980 - Just One Night (2014, Polydor Records) 24bit, 96kHz
│ ├─1981 - Another Ticket (2014, Polydor Records) 24bit, 96kHz
│ ├─1983 - Money And Cigarettes (2012, Reprise Records) 24bit, 96kHz
│ ├─1986 - August (2012, ? Reprise Rec.~Warner Bros. Rec.) 24bit, 48kHz
│ ├─1989 - Journeyman (Audio Fidelity~Duck Records - AFZ 180) SACD Rip 24bit, 96kHz
│ ├─1996 - Slowhand
│ ├─1998 - Pilgrim (1998)
│ ├─2000 - B.B. King & Eric Clapton - Riding With the King (Reprise Rec.) 24bit, 88,2kHz
│ ├─2005 - Back Home (2011, Reprise) 24bit, 48kHz
│ ├─2013 - Old Sock (Bushbranch Records) 24bit, 96kHz
│ ├─2014 - Eric Clapton & Friends - The Breeze (Bushbranch Records) 24bit, 96kHz~44,1kHz
│ ├─2014 - Time Pieces - The Best Of Eric Clapton 24-88
│ ├─2016 - Eric Clapton And Guests - Crossroads Revisited (Rhino Rec.~Warner Bros. Rec.) 24bit, 48kHz
│ ├─2016 - I Still Do (Bushbranch~Surfdog~Polydor) 24bit, 96kHz
│ ├─2016 - Live In San Diego (Reprise Records) 24bit, 96kHz
│ ├─2018 - Happy Xmas (Deluxe Edition) 24bit, 96kHz
│ ├─2020 - Eric Clapton - Rollin' and Tumblin'
│ ├─2021 - Heart of a Child EP
│ ├─2021 - Slowhand & Van - The Rebels (24bit-48kHz)
│ ├─2021 - The Lady In The Balcony? Lockdown Sessions (Live) (2021) FLAC ??
│ └─2021 - This Has Gotta Stop (Single) (2021)
├─Hi-Res m4a
│ ├─Collaborative albums
│ │ ├─2000 - Riding with the King
│ │ └─2014 - The Breeze - An Appreciation of JJ Cale
│ ├─Compilation albums
│ │ └─1982 - Timepieces - The Best of Eric Clapton
│ ├─Early career (1960s)
│ │ ├─1966 - Blues Breakers with Eric Clapton
│ │ ├─1969 - Blind Faith
│ │ ├─1970 - Layla and Other Assorted Love Songs
│ │ └─1973 - In Concert
│ ├─Live albums
│ │ ├─1975 - E. C. Was Here
│ │ ├─1980 - Just One Night
│ │ ├─2015 - Slowhand at 70 – Live at the Royal Albert Hall
│ │ ├─2016 - Crossroads Revisited
│ │ └─2016 - Live in San Diego
│ └─Studio albums
│ ├─1970 - Eric Clapton
│ ├─1974 - 461 Ocean Boulevard
│ ├─1975 - There's One in Every Crowd
│ ├─1976 - No Reason to Cry
│ ├─1977 - Slowhand
│ ├─1978 - Backless
│ ├─1981 - Another Ticket
│ ├─1983 - Money and Cigarettes
│ ├─1985 - Behind the Sun
│ ├─1986 - August
│ ├─1989 - Journeyman
│ ├─1998 - Pilgrim
│ ├─2001 - Reptile
│ ├─2005 - Back Home
│ ├─2013 - Old Sock
│ └─2016 - I Still Do
│ ├─1966 - John Mayall - Blues Breakers With Eric Clapton (2010 SHM-SACD ISO)
│ ├─1977 - Slowhand (2004 AF Remaster ISO)
│ ├─1982 - Time Pieces - The Best Of Eric Clapton (2014 AF Remaster ISO)
│ ├─1985 - Behind The Sun (2014 AF Remaster ISO)
│ ├─1989 - Journeyman (2014 AF Remaster ISO)
│ ├─1998 - Pilgrim (2014 AF Remaster ISO)
│ ├─2000 - B.B. King & Eric Clapton - Riding With The King (2015 AF Remaster ISO)
│ ├─2004 - 461 Ocean Boulevard (Sony PS3 SACD.ISO)
│ ├─2004 - Compilation
│ ├─1965 - Eric Clapton and The Yardbirds With Sonny Boy Williamson-1965-1970 24-192
│ ├─1966 - John Mayall & The Bluesbreakers – Blues Breakers With Eric Clapton 24-192
│ ├─1966 - John Mayall & The Bluesbreakers – Blues Breakers With Eric Clapton 24-96
│ ├─1970 - Blues Power 24-96
│ ├─1970 - Delaney & Bonnie & Friends - On Tour with Eric Clapton 24-96
│ ├─1970 - Eric Clapton {MFSL 1-220, 200g DMR} 24-96
│ ├─1970 - Layla 24-96
│ ├─1971 - Guitar Boogie 24-96
│ ├─1973 - Beck, Page & Clapton (BYG, YX-6082, JP) 32-192
│ ├─1973 - EC Was Here 24-96
│ ├─1973 - Eric Clapton's Rainbow Concert 24-96
│ ├─1973 - Eric Clapton's Rainbow Concert {Original US Pressing} 24-96
│ ├─1974 - 461 Ocean Boulevard 24-192
│ ├─1974 - 461 Ocean Boulevard 24-96
│ ├─1975 - EC Was Here 24-96
│ ├─1975 - There's One In Every Crowd 24-192
│ ├─1975 - There's One in Every Crowd 24-96
│ ├─1976 - No Reason To Cry 24-192
│ ├─1977 - Primal Solos - John Mayall & The Bluesbreakers Eric Clapton 24-96
│ ├─1977 - Slowhand 24-192
│ ├─1977 - Slowhand {Universal Japan 200g} 24-96
│ ├─1980 - Just One Night 24-96
│ ├─1981 - Another Ticket 24-192
│ ├─1981 - Another Ticket 28MW 0006 24-96
│ ├─1981 - Steppin' Out 24-96
│ ├─1982 - Secret Policeman's Concert 24-96
│ ├─1982 - Time Pieces - The Best Of Eric Clapton
│ ├─1983 - Money And Cigarettes (2018,Remastered,LP) 24-192
│ ├─1983 - Money And Cigarettes (Japan P-11322) 24-96
│ ├─1984 - Backtrackin' 24-96
│ ├─1985 - Behind the Sun 24-96
│ ├─1985 - Behind The Sun 32-192
│ ├─1985 - EC & The Yardbirds - Got Love If You Want It 24-96
│ ├─1986 - August 24-96
│ ├─1986 - August 32-192
│ ├─1987 - Big Boss Man 24-96
│ ├─1988 - After Midnight Live 24-96
│ ├─1989 - Journeyman 32-192
│ ├─1989 - Journeyman {Germany Reprise Records 926 074-1} 24-192
│ ├─1989 - Journeyman {Reprise 2 LP-Set} 24-96
│ ├─1991 - 24 Nights 24-96
│ ├─1992 - rush 24-96
│ ├─1992 - Unplugged 24-96
│ ├─1992 - Unplugged 32-96
│ ├─1992 - Unplugged M4A 24-48
│ ├─1994 - From the Cradle {Reprise 180g DoLP DMR} 24-96
│ ├─1995 - The Best Of Eric Clapton - Time Pieces 24-192
│ ├─2000 - B.B. King & Eric Clapton - Riding With The King 32-192
│ ├─2001 - Reptile 24-192
│ ├─2006 - J.J. Cale & Eric Clapton - The Road To Escondido (2LP, Reprise, 44418-1, US) 24-96
│ ├─2007 - Complete Clapton {Reprise 180g 4-LP Set} 24-96
│ ├─2007 - Complete Clapton 1967-2006 8LP 24-96
│ ├─2009 - Eric Clapton & Steve Winwood - Live From Madison Square Garden 24-96
│ ├─2010 - Clapton 24-96
│ ├─2013 - VA - Eric Clapton Guitar Festival Crossroads(2014, 4LP, Rhino, 8122796121, EU) 24-96
│ ├─2014 - Eric Clapton & Friends - The Breeze (An Appreciation Of JJ Cale) 24-88
│ ├─2014 - Eric Clapton & Friends - The Breeze (An Appreciation Of JJ Cale) 2LP 24-192
│ ├─2016 - IStill Do 2LP 45 RPM 180g EU 24-96
│ ├─2021 - The Lady In The Balcony - Lockdown Sessions 32-192
│ ├─1966 - John Mayall & The Bluesbreakers - Blues Breakers with Eric Clapton
│ ├─1970 - Derek And The Dominos - Layla And Other Assorted Love Songs
│ ├─1970 - Derek And The Dominos - Live At The Fillmore
│ ├─1970 - Eric Clapton
│ ├─1973 - Eric Clapton's Rainbow Concert
│ ├─1974 - 461 Ocean Boulevard
│ ├─1975 - E.C. Was Here
│ ├─1975 - There's One in Every Crowd
│ ├─1976 - (No Reason To Cry)
│ ├─1977 - Slowhand
│ ├─1977 - 35th Anniversary Super Deluxe Edition (2012 Remaster)
│ ├─1978 - Backless
│ ├─1980 - Just One Night
│ ├─1981 - Another Ticket
│ ├─1982 - Time Pieces - The Best Of Eric Clapton
│ ├─1983 Time Pieces Vol. II - 'Live' In The Seventies
│ ├─1983 - Money And Cigarettes
│ ├─1984 - Backtrackin'
│ ├─1985 - Behind The Sun
│ ├─1986 - August
│ ├─1989 - Journeyman
│ ├─1991 - 24 Nights
│ ├─1992 - Music From The Motion Picture Soundtrack RUSH
│ ├─1992 - Unplugged
│ ├─1994 - From The Cradle
│ ├─1995 - Rainbow Concert
│ ├─1995 - The Cream Of Clapton
│ ├─1998 - Pilgrim
│ ├─1999 - Clapton Chronicles - The Best Of Eric Clapton
│ ├─1999 - Blues
│ ├─2000 - B.B. King & Eric Clapton - Riding With The King
│ ├─2001 - Reptile
│ ├─2002 - One More Car, One More Rider
│ ├─2004 - Come On in My Kitchen (Electric Version)
│ ├─2004 - Me And Mr. Johnson
│ ├─2004 - Sessions For Robert J
│ ├─2004 - The Best Of Eric Clapton 20th Century Masters The Millennium Collection
│ ├─2005 - Back Home
│ ├─2005 - Eric Clapton - Chronicles
│ ├─2006 - J.J. Cale & Eric Clapton - The Road To Escondido
│ ├─2007 - Complete Clapton
│ ├─2009 - Eric Clapton And Steve Winwood - Live
│ ├─2010 - CLAPTON
│ ├─2011 - Wynton Marsalis & Eric Clapton - Play The Blues
│ ├─2013 - Eric Clapton - Give Me Strength The '74'75 Recordings 5CD
│ ├─2013 - Every Little Thing (Damian & Stephen Marley Remixes)
│ ├─2013 - Fly Free (A Tribute to Sir Jackie Stewart) - Single
│ ├─2013 - No Sympathy
│ ├─2013 - Old Sock
│ ├─2014 - Eric Clapton & Friends - The Breeze. An Appreciation of JJ Cale
│ ├─2014 - Time Pieces The Best Of Eric Clapton
│ ├─2016 - I Still Do
│ ├─2016 - Live in San Diego
│ ├─2018 - Eric Clapton Life In 12 Bars (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
│ ├─2018 - Happy Xmas
│ ├─2019 - Dire Straits & Eric Clapton - Nelson Mandela Benefit Concert 1988
│ ├─2020 - B.B. King & Eric Clapton - Riding With The King
│ ├─2021 - Eric Clapton (Anniversary Deluxe Edition) 4CD
│ ├─2021 - Heart of a Child (Single)
│ ├─2021 - The Lady In The Balcony- Lockdown Sessions
│ ├─2022 - Eric Clapton & Friends
│ ├─2022 - Eric Clapton - Eric Clapton & Friends
│ └─2022 - The Forum 1994

1970 - Eric Clapton
1970 - Eric Clapton (Anniversary Deluxe Edition)
1970 - Eric Clapton
1973 - Eric Clapton's Rainbow Concert
1974 - 461 Ocean Blvd. (Deluxe Edition)
1974 - 461 Ocean Boulevard
1974 - 461 Ocean Boulevard (Remasters)
1974 - 461 Ocean Boulevard
1975 - E.C. Was Here
1975 - E.C. Was Here
1975 - There's One In Every Crowd
1975 - There's One In Every Crowd
1976 - No Reason To Cry
1976 - No Reason To Cry
1977 - Slowhand 35th Anniversary
1977 - Slowhand 35th Anniversary (Super Deluxe)
1977 - Slowhand
1978 - Backless
1980 - Just One Night
1981 - Another Ticket (Live)
1981 - Another Ticket
1982 - Timepieces- The Best Of Eric Clapton
1983 - Money and Cigarettes (2007 Remaster)
1985 - Behind the Sun
1985 - Timepieces, Volume 2- Live In The '70s
1986 - August
1989 - Journeyman
1991 - 24 Nights
1992 - Rush (Music from the Motion Picture Soundtrack)
1992 - Unplugged (2013 Remaster)
1992 - Unplugged (Deluxe Edition)
1994 - From the Cradle
1995 - The Cream Of Clapton
1996 - Crossroads 2 (Live In The Seventies)
1998 - Pilgrim
1999 - Clapton Chronicles- The Best of Eric Clapton
1999 - Eric Clapton Blues
2000 - Riding with the King (Deluxe Edition)
2000 - Riding with the King
2001 - Reptile
2002 - One More Car, One More Rider (Live)
2004 - Come On In My Kitchen (Electric Version)
2004 - Me and Mr. Johnson
2004 - Sessions for Robert J
2004 - The Best Of Eric Clapton 20th Century Masters The Millennium Collection
2005 - Back Home
2005 - Chronicles
2006 - The Road to Escondido
2006 - Carl Perkins & Friends
2007 - Complete Clapton
2009 - Live from Madison Square Garden
2010 - Clapton
2013 - Every Little Thing (Damian & Stephen Marley Remixes)
2013 - Give Me Strength- The '74-'75 Recordings
2013 - Give Me Strength- The ‘74-’75 Studio Recordings
2013 - No Sympathy
2013 - Old Sock
2014 - Eric Clapton & Friends - The Breeze (An Appreciation of JJ Cale)
2015 - Forever Man
2016 - I Still Do
2016 - Live in San Diego
2018 - Happy Xmas
2018 - Happy Xmas (Deluxe Edition)
2018 - Historic Classic Recordings
2018 - I Shot The Sheriff (Full Length Version)
2019 - Aus gutem Holze (Gitarrenh?rbuch)
2020 - Rollin' and Tumblin'
2020 - Stand and Deliver
2021 - After Midnight (Live)
2021 - After Midnight (Live)
2021 - After Midnight (Live)
2021 - Eric Clapton at Live Aid (Live at John F. Kennedy Stadium, 13th July 1985)
2021 - Heart of a Child
2021 - The Lady In The Balcony- Lockdown Sessions (Live)
2021 - The Lady In The Balcony- Lockdown Sessions (Live)
2021 - The Lady In The Balcony- Lockdown Sessions (Live)
2021 - The Rebels
2021 - This Has Gotta Stop
2022 - Have You Ever Loved a Woman (Live at the Fillmore, San Francisco, 1994)
2022 - It Hurts Me Too (Live at the Fillmore, San Francisco, 1994)
2022 - Motherless Child (Live at the Fillmore, San Francisco, 1994)
2022 - Nothing But the Blues (Live)
2022 - Nothing But the Blues (Live)
2022 - Pompous Fool

├─Early Career (1960s)
│ ├─01. with The Yardbirds (1963–1965)
│ │ ├─1964 - Five Live Yardbirds (Live)
│ │ ├─1964 - Five Live Yardbirds (Live) + First 3 Studio Singles
│ │ ├─1965 - For Your Love (1999, Repertoire, REP 4757-WY)
│ │ ├─1965 - Having a Rave Up (1999, Get Back)
│ │ ├─1965 - Having a Rave Up (1999, Repertoire)
│ │ ├─1965 - Having a Rave Up (2000, JVC) (Mono)
│ │ ├─1966 - Sonny Boy Williamson & The Yardbirds
│ │ ├─1981 - London 1963 - The First Recordings
│ │ ├─2003 - Live! Blueswailing July' 64 (320kbps)
│ │ └─The Yardbirds MP3
│ │ ├─Albums
│ │ │ ├─1966 - Roger The Engineer(320kbps)
│ │ │ ├─1967 - Little Games(320kbps)
│ │ │ ├─1972 - Blue Eyed Bues(320kbps)
│ │ │ ├─1992 - Little Games Sessions & More 2CD Complete Sessions
│ │ │ ├─2000 - Cumular Limit (audio & enhanced video cd)(320kbps)
│ │ │ └─2003 - Birdland(320kbps)
│ │ ├─Compilations
│ │ │ ├─1965 - For Your Love (1999, Remastered 13 Bonus Tracks) (320kbps))
│ │ │ ├─1966 - Having A Rave Up(320kbps)
│ │ │ ├─1966 - Over Under Sideways Down(320kbps)
│ │ │ ├─1968 - Knowing That I'm Losing You(320kbps)
│ │ │ ├─1981 - London 1963 The First Recordings!(320kbps)
│ │ │ ├─1998 - Rarities(320kbps)
│ │ │ ├─2001 - Ultimate!(320kbps) 2CD
│ │ │ └─2018 - BBC Unreleased(320kbps)
│ │ ├─Live
│ │ │ ├─1964 - Five Live Yardbirds Repertoire 2008 Bonus Tracks
│ │ │ ├─1966 - 1967 - Zeppelin Presentation(320kbps)
│ │ │ ├─1966 - Broken Wings & Empty Nests(320kbps)
│ │ │ ├─1967 - Beat Beat Beat (Hamburg, 15.03.1967)(320kbps)
│ │ │ ├─1967 - Konzerthuset, Stockholm, 04.04.1967(320kbps)
│ │ │ ├─1967 - Santa Monica,California,07-22(320kbps)
│ │ │ ├─1968 - Anderson Theater, NYC, 30.03.1968(320kbps)
│ │ │ ├─1968 - Live Yardbirds! Featuring Jimmy PageORIGINAL RECORDING REISSUED(320kbps)
│ │ │ ├─1968 - Los Angeles, Shrine Auditorium, 31.05.1968(320kbps)
│ │ │ ├─1968 - San Francisco, Fillmore West, 25.05.1968(320kbps)
│ │ │ ├─1968 - Shrine Auditorium,LA,01.06.1968(320kbps)
│ │ │ ├─1999 - BBC Sessions (1965 - 1968)2CD(320kbps)
│ │ │ ├─2003 - Live!.Blueswailing.July'64(320kbps)
│ │ │ ├─2005 - Clarkston,MI(320kbps)
│ │ │ ├─2007 - Live At B.B.King Blues Club(320kbps)
│ │ │ └─2008 - Live a FIP 06.11.08(128kbps)
│ │ ├─Singles
│ │ │ ├─1964-1967-Singles(320kbps)
│ │ │ └─Yardbirds Singles(320kbps)
│ │ │ ├─Yardbirds - Evil Hearted You - Still I'm Sad
│ │ │ ├─Yardbirds - For Your Love - Got to Hurry
│ │ │ ├─Yardbirds - Happenings Ten Years Time Ago - Psycho Daisies
│ │ │ ├─Yardbirds - Heart Full of Soul - Steeled Blues
│ │ │ ├─Yardbirds - I'm a Man - Train Kept A-Rolling
│ │ │ ├─Yardbirds - Little Games - Puzzles
│ │ │ └─Yardbirds - Over Under Sideways Down - Jeff's Boogie
│ │ ├─Sonny Boy Williamson & The Yardbirds
│ │ │ ├─1963 - Live At The Crawdaddy Club (320kbps)
│ │ │ ├─1963 - Live In London!(320kbps)
│ │ │ └─1964 - Jimmy Page, Sonny Boy Williamson & Brian Auger - Don't Send Me No Flowers(320kbps)
│ │ └─THE NEW YARDBIRDS (Led Zeppelin) - London Blues (1968) @320
│ ├─02. with Powerhouse (1966)
│ │ └─1966 - What's Shakin'
│ ├─03. with John Mayall & the Bluesbreakers (1965–1966)
│ │ └─1966 - Blues Breakers with Eric Clapton
│ ├─04. with Cream (1966–1968, reunion 2005)
│ ├─05. with Blind Faith (1968–1969)
│ │ ├─1969 - Blind Faith (1986)
│ │ └─1969 - Blind Faith Deluxe Edition 2CD
│ ├─06. with John Lennon and the Plastic Ono Band (1969)
│ │ └─1969 - Live Peace In Toronto 1969 (Japan EMI TOCP- 70390)
│ ├─07. with Delaney & Bonnie & Friends (1969–1970)
│ │ ├─1970 - On Tour With Eric Clapton (2010 Deluxe) 4CD
│ │ └─1970 - On Tour With Eric Clapton (Japan)
│ ├─08. with Derek and the Dominos (1970–1971, new released 2011)
│ │ ├─1970 - Layla And Other Assorted Love Songs
│ │ ├─1970 - Layla And Other Assorted Love Songs (2011, 2013, Box Set) 2CD
│ │ ├─1970 - Layla And Other Assorted Love Songs (2011, 2CD, 40th Anniversary Deluxe Edition, Polydor, 5331429)
│ │ ├─1973 - In Concert (Live) 2CD
│ │ ├─1990 - The Layla Sessions 20th Anniversary Edition 3CD
│ │ └─1994 - Live At The Fillmore (1970) (2CD)

**** Hidden Message *****

tyltt 发表于 2024-1-22 19:30:37


快乐的太阳 发表于 2024-8-23 14:25:10

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查看完整版本: Eric Clapton 埃里克·克莱普顿 1960-2022 音乐作品合集 DSD+SACD+LP+Hi-Res+MQA+16Bit 318GB