sxmif 发表于 2024-2-2 08:37:30

C【ABC唱片】 现代芭蕾舞剧《红色娘子军》(全剧)

中国舞剧团乐队 指挥:韩中杰 -《ABC 红色娘子军(全剧)》(ABC - Red Women Army)

专辑中文名: ABC 红色娘子军(全剧)
专辑英文名: ABC - Red Women Army
艺术家: 中国舞剧团乐队
音乐类型: 民乐
资源格式: APE
发行时间: 2007年
地区: 大陆
语言: 普通话



个人一直非常喜欢芭蕾舞剧红色娘子军,虽然在Emule上有选段,而且重新演奏和录音的音质也非常好,但全剧始终未能找到。买到CD后,通过Easy CD-DA Extractor自压后奉献给大家,首次上传资源,希望大家喜欢。


A01、 序曲?冲出虎口 4:15
Prelude Qinghua's Escape from Imprisonment
A02、 老四与团丁们的舞蹈 0:59
Dance of Lao Si and Henchmen
A03、 清华独舞 1:49
Solo Dance of Qinghua
A04、 团丁搜捕清华 1:02
Henchmen Raid Qinghua
A05、 清华与老四搏斗的舞蹈 1:09
Dance of Fighting between Qinghua and Lao Si
A06、 清华反抗 4:33
Resistance of Qinghua
A07、 清华独舞 3:08
Solo Dance of Qinghua
A08、 常青指路 5:49
Changqing Guides the Road to the Red Army’s Base
A09、 军民欢庆红色娘子军的诞生 1:26 试听
The Army and People Celebrate the Birth of Red Women Army Company
A10、 娘子军操练 3:37
Drill of Red Women Army
A11、 赤卫队员五寸刀舞 2:02
Sword Dance of Red Armed Escort Members
A12、 军民联欢 1:38
The Army and People Celebrate Together
A13、 清华参军 6:48
Qinghua Joins in the Red Army
A14、 南霸天做寿 3:54
Nan Batian Holds a Birthday Party
A15、 丫头们的舞蹈 1:16
Dance of the Maids
A16、 黎族舞 2:21
Dance of Li Nationality
A17、 常青深入虎穴 2:28
Changqing Goes to the Enemy
A18、 团丁大刀舞?老四拳术舞 2:00
Group Dance of Red Army Soldiers
A19、 清华暴露战斗信号 5:12
Broadsword Dance of Henchmen, Box Dance of Lao Si
A20、 红军攻佔匪巢 1:32
Qinghua Releases the Fight Signal
A21、 常青号召?开仓分粮 0:50
The Red Army Took the Bandit’s Lair
B01、 政治课 1:56
Changqing Calls for Distributing the Grain
B02、 清华独舞 3:32
Changqing Asks about the Situation
B03、 清华?连长打靶双人舞 1:45
Political Lessons
B04、 红军连队欣欣向荣 1:40
Solo Dance of Qinghua
B05、 女战士和炊事班长的舞蹈 2:24 试听
Target Practice Dance of Qinghua and the Company Commander
B06、 乡亲们慰问红军 2:56
Flourishing Company of the Red Army
B07、 常青感谢乡亲们的深情厚谊?军民联欢 2:58
The Dance of Women Soldiers and Monitor of Cooking Team
B08、 紧急集合?奔赴战场 1:24
The People Condole the Red Army
B09、 红军主力转移?常青部署任务 2:13
Changqing Acknowledges Deep Friendship of the People?Celebrate Together
B10、 清华和战士的阻击舞 1:43
Emergent Gathering?Head for the Battle Field
B11、 严陈以待?奋勇杀敌 2:09
Red Army Transfers the Main Force; Changqing Deploys Missions
B12、 清华与团丁对打的舞蹈 1:17
Dance of Blocking by Qinghua and Soldiers
B13、 二战士与匪兵格斗的舞蹈 1:00
Careful Deployment?Brave Fight
B14、 红旗舞 0:53
Dance of Fighting between Qinghua and the Henchmen
B15、 常青将公事包交给清华 0:59
Dance of Fighting between Two Soldiers and Enemy
B16、 常青?二战友的战斗舞蹈 1:57
Dance with Red Flags
B17、 常青巍然屹立?怒视群匪 0:52
Changqing Transfers the Briefcase to Qinghua
B18、 红军战士的集体舞蹈 1:23
Fighting Dance of Changqing and Two Soldiers
B19、 慌乱的南贼老巢 2:41
Changqing Stands Erectly and Glares at the Enemy
B20、 南贼?老四垂死挣扎 1:04
Group Dance of Red Army Soldiers
B21、 常青大义凛然?英勇就义 6:42
Rattled Lair of the Enemy
B22、 红军攻打椰林寨 1:52
Death Struggle of Nan Batian and Lao Si
B23、 清华处决南贼 1:16
Changqing Died a Heroic Death
B24、 解放 0:57
Red Army Attacks Yelin Village
B25、 化悲痛为力量 3:06
Qinghua Executes the Enemy
B26、 向前进?向前进 0:34

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查看完整版本: C【ABC唱片】 现代芭蕾舞剧《红色娘子军》(全剧)