哭了又如何 发表于 2024-2-2 14:20:19



RR公司录制的著名的美国达拉斯管乐团的唱片,想必乐迷朋友至少聆赏过其中之一二。如阿诺德的作品选辑(RR-66CD)、霍尔斯特作品选辑(RR-39CD)、管乐小品选辑(RR-38)等。其磅礴的气势和令人激动的旋律给人留下深刻印象。这款最新的专辑仍然由达拉斯管乐团出阵,只是指挥不再是发烧老手芬聂尔,改由杰里·琼金(Jerry Junkin)担任。曲目很丰富,共收录了21首。“华盛顿邮报”、“船长”、“永远忠诚”、“棉花大王”、“水手过洋”等名曲均在碟上有名。只是美国国歌和“自由钟”两首最有代表性的曲子放在了唱片的最后。听这样的唱片和录音,没有轻歌曼舞的韵致,每首曲子虽然都很短小,但有的是雄壮、振奋人心的旋律和浑厚斑斓的管乐和弦相伴衬,属于能够大口品尝的音响音乐“大菜”。达拉斯管乐团的大型编制能与任何著名军乐团媲美,加之这张唱片是由RR公司的“音响教父”约翰逊亲自“主刀”,每首曲子听来均有极宽阔的音场,极具弹性的动态和冲击力。在一些乐曲的处理中也有非常抒情的段落,这时多由木管乐器担任,说明该乐团演奏整首乐曲能刚柔相济。 (仲 夫)

"The march speaks to a fundamental rhythm in the human organization ... I have seen men profoundly moved by a few measures of a really inspired march."
- John Philip Sousa, Marching Along, 1928



And no marches are quite as inspired as those by America's beloved March Master.
Jerry Junkin leads the renowned Dallas Wind Symphony through the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights of every wind-band.

Recorded in the big, bold acoustics of the Meyerson Symphony Center in Dallas and captured in "Prof." Johnson's most brilliant HDCD sound, this collection of favorites and rarities qualifies as essential Americana.

STRICTLY SOUSA was produced and engineered by Reference Recordings' multiple Grammy nominated team: J. Tamblyn Henderson, Jr. and Keith O. Johnson.

Related back catalog on Reference Recordings
featuring the Dallas Wind Symphony
Conducted by Frederick Fennell
RR-85 HDCD - Marches I've Missed
RR-62 HDCD - Beachcomber
RR-58 HDCD - Pomp and Pipes
RR-52 HDCD - Trittico
RR-43 CD - Fennell Favorites
Conducted by Jerry Junkin
RR-76 HDCD - Holidays & Epiphanies
RR-66 HDCD - Arnold for Band
Conducted by Howard Dunn
RR-39 CD - Holst: Hammersmith Suites 1 & 2 etc
RR-38 CD - Fiesta

1.   Solid Men to the Front
2.   Black Horse Troop
3.   Hands Across the Sea
4.   Nobles of the Mystic Shrine
5.   The Pride of the Wolverines
6.   Semper Fidelis
7.   The Glory of the Yankee Navy
8.   Easter Monday on the White House Lawn
9.   Manhattan Beach
10. Salute to Kansas
11. The Liberty Bell
12. The Gallant Seventh
13. El Capitan
14. The Rifle Regiment
15. Washington Post
16. The Picadore
17. The Thunderer
18. King Cotton
19 The Stars and Stripes Forever
20. The Star Spangled Banner (arr. Sousa)
21. The Liberty Bell, "Tritone"
22. Musicians Reaction

1.   Solid Men to the Front坚守前线
2.   Black Horse Troop      黑马部队
3.   Hands Across the Sea   水手过洋
4.   Nobles of the Mystic Shrine 神秘圣地里的贵胄
5.   The Pride of the Wolverines 密歇根州人民的骄傲
6.   Semper Fidelis永远忠诚
7.   The Glory of the Yankee Navy 美国海军的荣耀
8.   Easter Monday on the White House Lawn 在白宫的草地上欢庆复活节
注:按照美国的传统习俗,在复活节的星期一(easter monday)都要在白宫的草地上举行滚彩蛋的活动(egg rolling),这首曲子就为这个活动作的进行曲。
9.   Manhattan Beach 曼哈顿海滩
10. Salute to Kansas向肯萨斯致敬
11. The Liberty Bell   自由钟
12. The Gallant Seventh 英勇的第十七号
13. El Capitan船长
14. The Rifle Regiment步枪团
15. Washington Post   华盛顿邮报
16. The Picadore      骑马斗牛士
17. The Thunderer   雷神进行曲
18. King Cotton       棉花大王
19 The Stars and Stripes Forever星条旗永不落
20. The Star Spangled Banner (arr. Sousa) 美国国歌(星条旗进行曲)
21. The Liberty Bell, "Tritone"自由钟 “三全音“
22. Musicians Reaction音乐家的复兴

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查看完整版本: 【RR唱片】RR-94CD《美国自由之钟》APE整轨