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New Order 1981-2021 音乐作品合集 Hi-Res+16Bit 146CD 72.2GB

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一般地说,一支乐队若缺少了灵魂人物,这个乐队的其他成员便很难有所作为,但来自英国曼彻斯特的 House 舞曲乐团 New Order 绝对是个例外,提起 New Order ,不能不提起他们的前身:著名 Joy Division ——充满了忧郁和绝望的后朋克乐队,Joy Division 来自英国工业重镇曼彻斯特。当1980年乐队灵魂人物主唱 Ian Curtis 自杀身亡后,Joy Division 的其他成员 Bernard Sumner(guitars), Peter Hook(bass)和Stephen Morris(drums)便自组了 New Order 乐队,乐风成功的转向了 Disco ,并将 Joy Division 的忧郁低调的气质放进了流行的电子舞曲之中。New Order 对于电子舞曲以及当时整个乐坛的贡献是巨大的,是具有革命性的,以至于现在不少当红的电子组合比如 Chemical Brothers、Republica 等都将他们像上帝式的顶礼膜拜。NEW ORDER于1983年的一首《BLUE MONDAY》改变了流行音乐的方向,无数的生活在80年代的电子音乐家,无一不受到这首《BLUE MONDAY》的影响而在这二十多年间,有无数的REMIX版本出现。
故事最早应开始在1976年,当时 Joy Division 刚刚成立,到了1980年,Joy Division 推出的三张专辑已是张张经典,就在乐队呈上升之际,当年5月18日,却传来了灵魂人物 Ian Curtis 自杀的噩耗,余下的成员便解散了乐队。几个月后,他们又聚在了一起,找来了新的键盘手 Gillian Gilbert ,Gillian Gilbert 是乐队唯一的女性成员,同时也是 Stephen Morris 的女友,Bernard Sumner 担任主唱一职,共同组建了 New Order 。在1981年3月推出乐队第一首的单曲——风格灰色的 “Ceremony” ,几个月后乐队的第一张LP专辑《Movement》推出,已是与Joy Division走两条完全不同的路线,专辑中他们融合了德国电子乐班霸 Kraftwerk 和纽约地下音乐的精华,修饰过的合成器音色充满了整张专辑,显得灰色而又低调。
1983年,乐队推出单曲 “Blue Monday” ,这是一首具有革命性的单曲,其中用计算机处理过的人声在当时是颇为超前的,Bernard Sumner 悲伤而又冷酷的歌声、抽象的歌词与多变的鼓点的确令人震撼,收有这首歌曲的12英吋唱片全球销量达三百多万张。随后乐队第二张专辑《Power Corruption and Lies》推出。单曲 “Confusion” 甚至上了美国的R&B排行榜。乐队的成功使得他们获得了名制作人 Quincy Jones 旗下公司 Qwest 的唱片合约。1985年,第三张专辑《Low-life》推出,该专辑标志New Order从后朋克到电子舞曲转变的完成。单曲 “The Perfect Kiss” 很快成为一首热门单曲,“Love Vigilantes” 在专辑中显得非常有趣,这是一首乡村歌曲,口琴是主要伴奏乐器。《Low-life》打上了排行榜的No.1位置,此时的 New Order已是越来越受欢迎。
1986年乐队推出专辑《Brotherhood》,并从中推出单曲 “Bizarre Love Triangle” ,专辑中另外一首单曲 “All Day Long” 也非常出色。1987年,New Order在著名的 4AD 公司旗下推出电影原声大碟《Salvation》。之后推出的单曲 “True Faith” 上了美国流行榜的第32位,他们又推出混音单曲 “Blue Monday 1988” ,并成为排行榜上Top 5单曲。
1989年,New Order推出一张“里程碑”式的专辑《Technique》,《Technique》在当时的电子舞曲界可谓是登峰造极之作,专辑中的单曲 “Fine Time” 和 “Round and Round” 都成为了经典之作,乐队在以后的巡回演出中也大受欢迎。1990年,乐队为当时的世界杯赛推出的单曲 “World in Motion” 成为英国队的队歌,并成为 New Order 在英国第一首冠军单曲。
随后乐队各个成员都开始了自己的单飞行动,Bernard Summer 与前 Smith 乐队的吉他手 Johnny Marr 和 Pet Shop Boys 的 Neil Tennant 组建了一支临时乐队 Electronic ,并发行了一系列低榜位的单曲;Peter Hook 组建了一支叫 Revenge 的乐队,剩下来的 Stephen Morris 和 Gillian Gilbert(他们现在已经是夫妻俩了)则组建了一支叫 The Other Two 的乐队。
在1992年的时候,乐队成员重新又聚在一起,并已经开始录制新专辑,但他们在英国的唱片公司 Factory 却宣布破产,乐队便与 London Records 签约,与1993年推出新专辑《Republic》,《Republic》是 New Orde r第一张在大型商业性唱片公司推出的专辑,专辑走的还是80年代的 House 路线,尽管他们在专辑中也尝试了当时颇为流行的 Hip-Hop 舞曲风格,但是以90年代的眼光来看《Republic》已显得守旧和不合时宜。
1994年11月 New Order 首先在英国推出精选专辑《The Best Of New Order》,在美国的版本则在第2年3月,由 Qwest Records 推出,同年他们还推出混音专辑《The Rest Of New Order》。
然后New Order各个成员又开始分开忙自己的事务,不过乐队的各个成员也没闲着, Bernard Sumner 与朋友们的 Electronic 乐队在1996年推出第二张专辑《Electronic II》,他还在 Chemical Brothe r乐队1999年专辑《Surrender》中也客串了一把,主唱了一首叫 “Out Of Control” 的单曲,Stephen Morris 和 Gillian Gilbert 的 The Other Two 也在为自己的新专辑忙碌,Peter Hook 组建了新的乐队 Monaco。
到了2001年 ,New Order 居然卷土重来,推出新大碟《Get Ready》。专辑中电子的份量比以前减少了,而电吉他的比重相对提高。

Hi-Res Releases
│ ├─Albums
│ │ ├─1981 - Movement (2015 Remastered) (EU, Warner Records 90, none)
│ │ ├─1983 - Power Corruption and Lies (2015 Remastered) (EU, Warner Records 90, none)
│ │ ├─1985 - Low-life (2015 Remastered) (EU, Warner Records 90, none)
│ │ ├─1986 - Brotherhood (2015 Remastered) (EU, Warner Records 90, none)
│ │ ├─1987 - Substance
│ │ ├─1993 - Republic (2015 Remastered) (EU, Warner Records 90, none)
│ │ └─2015 - Music Complete (EU, Mute, none)
│ ├─Compilations and Lives
│ │ ├─1994 - The Best Of
│ │ ├─2015 - Music Complete (EU, Mute, none)
│ │ ├─2019 - ∑(No,12k,Lg,17Mif) (EU, Mute, iSTUMM450)
│ │ └─2021 - Education, Entertainment, Recreation (EU, Warner Music, none)
│ └─Singles
│ ├─2015 - Restless (EU, Mute, none)
│ ├─2015 - Tutti Frutti (EU, Mute, none)
│ ├─2016 - People On The High Line (EU, Mute, iMute 553)
│ ├─2016 - People On The High Line (EU, Mute, none)
│ ├─2016 - Singularity (EU, Mute, none)
│ ├─2020 - Be a Rebel (EU, Mute, I1MUTE 619)
│ ├─2020 - Be a Rebel (EU, Mute, I2MUTE 619)
│ ├─2020 - Be a Rebel (EU, Mute, IMUTE 619)
│ ├─2020 - Be a Rebel (Remixes Part One) (EU, Mute, R1MUTE 619)
│ ├─2021 - Be a Rebel (Remixed by Mark Reeder) (EU, Mute, R2MUTE 619)
│ └─2021 - Be a Rebel (Remixed) (EU, Mute, CDMUTE 619)
│ ├─1981 - Movement
│ │ ├─1993 - Movement (DE, CentreDate Co Ltd., 520018-2)
│ │ ├─2009 - Movement (The Factory Years) (EU, London Records, 2564693694)
│ │ ├─2015 - Movement (EU, Warner Records 90, none)
│ │ └─2019 - Movement (Definitive edition) (EU, Rhino Records, 0190295662882)
│ ├─1983 - Power Corruption Lies
│ │ ├─1986 - Power Corruption & Lies (UK, Factory, Facd 75)
│ │ ├─2009 - Power Corruption & Lies (TFY) (UK, London Records, 2564693698)
│ │ ├─2015 - Power Corruption & Lies (Remastered) (EU, Warner Records, none)
│ │ └─2020 - Power Corruption & Lies (Definitive edition) (EU, Rhino Records, 0190295659158)
│ ├─1985 - Low Life
│ │ ├─1994 - Low Life (UK, London Records, 520020 - 2)
│ │ ├─2009 - Low Life (The Factory Years) (UK, London Records, 2564693700)
│ │ └─2015 - Low Life (Remastered) (EU, Warner Records, none)
│ ├─1986 - Brotherhood
│ │ ├─1994 - Brotherhood (UK, CentreDate, 520021-2)
│ │ ├─2008 - Brotherhood (The Factory Years) (EU, London Records, 2564693699)
│ │ ├─2009 - Brotherhood (The Factory Years) (EU, London Records, 2564693699)
│ │ └─2015 - Brotherhood (Remastered) (EU, Warner Records, none)
│ ├─1989 - Technique
│ │ ├─1989 - Technique (UK, Factory, Facd275)
│ │ ├─1989 - Technique (US, Qwest 9 25845-2)
│ │ ├─2008 - Technique (UK, London Records, 2564693697)
│ │ └─2015 - Technique (Remastered) (EU, Rhino Records, none)
│ ├─1993 - Republic
│ │ ├─1993 - Republic (EU, CentreDate, 828 413.2)
│ │ ├─1993 - Republic (UK, CentreDate, 828 413.2)
│ │ └─2015 - Republic (Remastered) (EU, Warner Records 90, none)
│ ├─2001 - Get Ready
│ │ ├─2001 - Get Ready (UK, London Records, 8573896212)
│ │ └─2001 - Get Ready (US, Reprise Records, 9 89621-2)
│ ├─2005 - Waiting For The Sirens Call
│ │ ├─2005 - Waiting For The Sirens Call (EU, London Records, 25646 2202 2)
│ │ ├─2005 - Waiting For The Sirens Call (JPN, London Records, WPCR 1207)
│ │ ├─2005 - Waiting For The Sirens Call (US, Warner Bros. Records, 49307-2)
│ │ └─2015 - Waiting For The Sirens Call (Remastered) (EU, Rhino Records, none)
│ ├─2009 - Bad Lieutenant - Never Cry Another Tear
│ │ ├─2009 - Never Cry Another Tear (FR, Tripple Echo, BADLT01FNA)
│ │ └─2009 - Never Cry Another Tear Promo (DE, Triple Echo, none)
│ ├─2013 - Lost Sirens
│ │ └─2013 - Lost Sirens (EU, Rhino Records, 2564653448)
│ └─2015 - Music Complete
│ ├─2015 - Music Complete (EU, Mute Records, none)
│ └─2015 - Music Complete (UK-EU, Mute, CD Stumm 390)
│ ├─1980 - Live at Cabaret Metro, Chicago, Illinois, USA (30th June 1983) (bootleg)
│ ├─1983 - Cabaret Metro, Chicago, Illinois, USA (AUD)
│ ├─1987 - Substance
│ │ └─1999 - Substance (EU, London Records, 3984 28227 2)
│ ├─1992 - BBC Radio 1 Live in Concert
│ ├─1994 - (the best of) NewOrder
│ │ ├─1994 - (the best of) NewOrder (UK, London Records, 8285802)
│ │ └─1994 - (the best of) NewOrder (US, Qwest, 9 45794-2)
│ ├─1995 - (the rest of) NewOrder
│ │ ├─1995 - (the rest of) NewOrder (EU, London Records, 8286572)
│ │ └─1995 - (the rest of) NewOrder (UK, London Records, 8286612)
│ ├─1998 - Ultra Hot Art Disc Two
│ │ └─1998 - Ultra Hot Art Disc Two (US, UHACD02)
│ ├─2002 - International
│ │ └─2002 - International (EU, London Records, 0927492262)
│ ├─2002 - Retro
│ │ └─2002 - Retro (US, Rhino Records, R2 73834)
│ ├─2005 - Best Remixes (US DMD)
│ ├─2005 - Singles
│ │ ├─2005 - Singles (EU, London Records, 25646 2690 2)
│ │ ├─2005 - Singles (JPN, London Records, WPCR-12207 8)
│ │ └─2016 - Singles (EU, Warner Records 90 Limited, 0825646069637)
│ ├─2011 - Live At The London Troxy
│ │ ├─2017 - Live At The London Troxy (Reissue) (UK, Live Here Now, none)
│ │ └─2017 - Live At The London Troxy (Reissue) (WEB, Live Here Now, none)
│ ├─2011 - Total - From Joy Division to New Order
│ │ └─2011 - Total-From Joy Division to New Order (UK, Rhino Records, 5052498647958)
│ ├─2016 - Complete Music
│ ├─2017 - NOMC15 (New Order Music Complete 15)
│ │ ├─2017 - NOMC15 (EU, Live Here Now, LHN018CD)
│ │ └─2017 - NOMC15 (EU, Live Here Now, WEB)
│ ├─2019 - ∑(No,12k,Lg,17Mif) (feat. Liam Gillick)
│ │ └─2019 - ∑(No,12k,Lg,17Mif) (feat. Liam Gillick) (EU, Mute, CDSTUMM450)
│ └─2021 - Education, Entertainment, Recreation (EU, Warner Music, 0190295375973)
├─1981 - Ceremony
│ ├─2019 - Ceremony (EU, Rhino Records, none)
│ └─2019 - Ceremony (Version 2) (EU, Rhino Records, none)
├─1981 - Everythings Gone Green
│ ├─1990 - Everythings Gone Green (BE, Factory, FBN 8 CD)
│ └─2019 - Everything's Gone Green (EU, Rhino Records, none)
├─1982 - Temptation
│ └─2019 - Temptation (EU, Rhino Records, none)
├─1983 - Blue Monday
│ └─2020 - Blue Monday (EU, Warner Records, none)
├─1983 - Confusion
│ ├─2016 - Confusion (Remix) (EU, Minimal Records, QAL 249)
│ └─2020 - Confusion (Remastered) (EU, Warner Records, none)
├─1983 - Thieves Like Us
│ └─2020 - Thieves Like Us (EU, Warner Records, none)
├─1984 - Murder
│ └─2020 - Murder (EU, Warner Records, none)
├─1986 - Bizarre Love Triangle
│ └─1994 - Bizarre Love Triangle (US, Qwest, 9 20546-2)
├─1987 - Touched By The Hand of God
│ └─1987 - Touched By The Hand of God (UK, Factory, Facd193)
├─1987 - True Faith
│ └─1988 - True Faith (UK, Factory, Facdv183)
├─1988 - Blue Monday 1988
│ ├─1988 - Blue Monday 1988 (CA, Factory, 870 354-2)2
│ └─1988 - Blue Monday 1988 (UK, Factory, Facd 73R)
├─1988 - Fine Time
│ ├─1988 - Fine Time (CAN, Factory, 827 277-2)
│ ├─1988 - Fine Time (UK, Factory, Facd223)
│ └─2019 - Fine Time (EU, XMOD Records, none)
├─1989 - Round&Round
│ ├─1989 - Round And Remix (UK, Factory, Facd263R)
│ └─1989 - Round And Round (UK, Factory, Facd263)
├─1990 - World In Motion
│ ├─1990 - World In Motion (DE, Factory, FACCD293)
│ └─1990 - World In Motion (US, Qwest, 9 21582-2)
├─1993 - Regret
│ ├─1993 - Regret (The Weatherall Mixes) (FRA, London Records, 1648)
│ ├─1993 - Regret (UK, Centredate, NUOCD1)
│ └─1993 - Regret (US, Qwest, 9 40760-2)
├─1993 - Ruined In A Day
│ ├─1993 - Ruined In A Day (UK CD1, CentreDate, NUOCD2)
│ └─1993 - Ruined In A Day (UK CD2, CentreDate, NUCDP2)
├─1993 - Spooky
│ ├─1993 - Spooky (UK CD1, CentreDate, NUOCD4)
│ ├─1993 - Spooky (UK CD2, CentreDate, NUCDP4)
│ └─1993 - Spooky (US, Qwest, 9 41313-2)
├─1993 - World (The Price Of Love)
│ ├─1993 - World (The Price Of Love) (UK CD1, CentreDate, NUOCD3)
│ ├─1993 - World (The Price Of Love) (UK CD2, CentreDate, NUCDP3)
│ └─1993 - World (The Price Of Love) (US, Qwest, 9-40966-2)
├─1994 - True Faith-94
│ ├─1994 - True Faith-94 (EU, London Records, 857877.2)
│ └─1994 - True Faith-94 (UK, London Records, NUO CD5)
├─1995 - 1963 (Nineteen63)
│ ├─1995 - Nineteen63 (EU, London Records, NUO CD6)
│ └─1995 - Nineteen63 (UK, CD2, London Records, NUCDP 6)
├─1995 - Blue Monday 95
│ ├─1995 - Blue Monday 95 (AUS, London Records, 850041.2)
│ ├─1995 - Blue Monday 95 (EU, London Records, Int.850039.2)
│ └─1995 - Blue Monday 95 (UK, London Records, NUOCD 7)
├─1997 - Video 586
│ └─1997 - Video 586 (UK, Touch Tone 7, 5 027803 140721)
├─2001 - 60 Miles An Hour
│ ├─2001 - 60 Miles An Hour (EU CD1, London Records, NUOCD9)
│ ├─2001 - 60 Miles An Hour (EU CD2, London Records, NUCDP9)
│ ├─2001 - 60 Miles An Hour Promo (EU, London Records, PRO2834)
│ └─2002 - 60 Miles An Hour (Tour EP) (AU London Records, 0927434532)
├─2001 - Crystal
│ ├─2001 - Crystal (EU CD1, London Records, NUOCD8)
│ ├─2001 - Crystal (EU CD2, London Records, NUCDP8)
│ ├─2001 - Crystal (EU DVD, London Records, NUDVD8)
│ ├─2001 - Crystal (JP, London Records, WPCR-10785)
│ ├─2001 - Crystal (US, Reprise Records, 9-42397-2)
│ └─2001 - Crystal Promo (EU, London Records, PRO2675)
├─2001 - Someone Like You
│ └─2001 Remixes, GRE, Promo CDr, WEA Records, none
├─2002 - Here To Stay
│ ├─2002 - Here To Stay (UK CD1, London Records, NUOCD11)
│ ├─2002 - Here To Stay (UK CD2, London Records, NUCDP11)
│ └─2002 - Here To Stay (UK DVD, London Records, NUDVD11)
├─2005 - Guilt Is A Useless Emotion
│ ├─2005 - Guilt Is A Useless Emotion (US DMD - DJ version) (US, Warner Records, none)
│ └─2005 - Guilt Is A Useless Emotion (US, Warner Bros records, PRO-CDR-101687)
├─2005 - Jetstream
│ ├─2005 - Jetstream (UK CD1, London Records, NUOCD14)
│ ├─2005 - Jetstream (UK CD2, London Records, NUCDP14)
│ ├─2005 - Jetstream (UK, London Records, PRO15414)
│ └─2005 - Jetstream (US, Warner Bros Records, 42813-2)
├─2005 - Krafty
│ ├─2005 - Krafty (EU CD1, London Records, NUOCD13)
│ ├─2005 - Krafty (EU CD2, London Records, NUCDP13)
│ ├─2005 - Krafty (EU, London Records, 50-50467-7821-5-0)
│ └─2005 - Krafty (US, Warner Bros Records, 9362-42800-2)
├─2005 - Waiting For The Sirens Call
│ ├─2005 - Waiting For The Sirens Call (UK, London Records, NUOCD15)
│ └─2005 - Waiting For The Sirens Call (UK, London Records, PRO15508)
├─2008 - Miracle Cure
│ ├─2008 - Miracle Cure (All Mixes) (EU, Soundcolours, none)
│ ├─2008 - Miracle Cure (EU, Soundcolors, SC0001)
│ ├─2008 - Miracle Cure (Re-Mix) (Soundcolors, SC 0008)
│ └─2008 - Miracle Cure (The Australian Summer Mixes) (Soundcolors, SC 0015)
├─2009 - Sink Or Swim (Bad Lieutenant)
│ ├─2009 - Sink Or Swim (EU, Triple Echo, COOPR151)
│ └─2010 - Sink Or Swim (Remix Bundle) (WEB, Triple Echo, none)
├─2010 - Twist Of Fate (Bad Lieutenant)
│ ├─2010 - Twist Of Fate (Remix Bundle) (WEB, V2 Cooperative Music, none)
│ └─2010 - Twist Of Fate (WEB, Triple Echo, none)
├─2015 - Restless
│ ├─2015 - Restless (EU, Mute, CD Mute 541)
│ └─2015 - Restless (EU, Mute, none)
├─2015 - Tutti Frutti
│ ├─2015 - Tutti Frutti (EU, Mute, CD Mute 542)
│ └─2015 - Tutti Frutti (EU, Mute, none)
├─2016 - People On The High Line
│ ├─2016 - People On The High Line (EU, Mute, CD Mute 553)
│ ├─2016 - People On The High Line (EU, Mute, Mute 553)
│ └─2016 - People On The High Line (EU, Mute, none)
├─2016 - Singularity
│ ├─2016 - Singularity (EU, Mute, CD Mute 545)
│ └─2016 - Singularity (EU, Mute, none)
├─2016 - The Game (Mark Reeder)
├─2016 - Your Silent Face (Robbie Rivera)
│ ├─2016 - Your Silent Face (EU, Juicy Music, none)
│ └─2017 - Your Silent Face (Remixes) (EU, Juicy Music, none)
├─2017 - Mark Reader Remixes
├─2017 - Music Complete-Remix EP
│ └─2017 - Music Complete - Remix EP (UK, Mute, RISTUMM 390)
└─2020 - Be A Rebel
├─2020 - Be a Rebel (EU, Mute, I1MUTE 619)
├─2020 - Be a Rebel (EU, Mute, I2MUTE 619)
├─2020 - Be a Rebel (EU, Mute, IMUTE 619)
├─2020 - Be a Rebel (Remixes Part One) (EU, Mute, R1MUTE 619)
└─2021 - Be a Rebel (Remixed) (EU, Mute, CDMUTE 619)

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查看完整版本: New Order 1981-2021 音乐作品合集 Hi-Res+16Bit 146CD 72.2GB