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Genesis 1969-2021 音乐作品合集 DSD+SACD+LP+Hi-Res+16BIT 475GB

创世纪乐队(Genesis)是英国七十代崛起的一支卓越的前卫摇滚乐队,其中所有成员都在歌曲创作方面有独当一面的能力。在乐器方面又以 Phil Collins(鼓,敲打乐)和Tony Banks(钢琴,键盘)两位为最佳。Phil于1970年加入这支乐队成为鼓手,1975年首任主唱Peter Gabriel单飞以后被封为主唱,随即带领乐队在八十年代飞黄腾达。1996年Phil因个人原因宣布离队之后,乐队余下两位成员在 1998年雇了一个不太有经验的苏格兰年轻歌手想东山再起,结果新专辑销量一败涂地,因为公众无法接受没有Phil Collins的Genesis。
创世纪乐队(Genesis)是七十年代、八十年代乃至九十年代最成功的摇滚乐队之一,Genesis的成员Peter Gabriel和Phil Collins在后来都成为了超级明星。乐队的雏形来自Garden Wall,这是15岁的Peter Gabriel和Tony Banks在1965年成立的乐队,同时Michael Rutherford和Anthony Phillips成立了Anon乐队,后来两支乐队合并,并且录制了Rutherford和Phillips创作的一个六首歌的DEMO。录音艺术家兼制作人Jonathan King听过了这卷样带,为乐队重新进行了编曲并将乐队重新命名为Genesis。1967年12月,乐队开始了成功历程,单曲“The Silent Sun”于1968年2月发行,但在公众中未引起任何反响。第二张单曲“A Winter’s Tale”也是如此。此时Dave Stewart退出,John Silver接替。King后来为乐队加入了管弦乐队,使他们的音乐听来就像Moody Blues,1969年3月,乐队的首张专辑《From Genesis to Revelation》发行。乐队为此深受鼓舞,正当乐队希望以专业乐队的姿态发展时,Silver退出,由John Mayhew代替。
1969年9月,他们举办了他们的第一场收费现场演出。不久,Genesis成为签约于Charisma唱片公司的第一支乐队,并且录制了他们的第二张专辑《Trespass》,但在专辑完成后,乐队的人事发生了巨大变化:Phillips的舞台恐惧症越来越严重,这使他不得不于1970年7月离开乐队,他的继任者是Mayhew。但更重要的是Phil Collins的加入,在吉他手Steve Hackett加入后乐队的成熟阵容终于形成。下一张专辑《Nursery Cryme》在Gabriel的出色表现下引起了人们的注意,他在现场中的面具、化妆和小道具非常有助于乐队越来越复杂的歌曲内容表现。乐队强大的现场能力使Gabriel将Genesis的演出向着多媒体的方向发展。
1972年秋的《Foxtrot》是Genesis历史上的闪光点,这不单是指商业性,歌曲“Supper’s Ready”在艺术上的复杂深奥在前卫摇滚的作品中也属于难得一见。Genesis的现场演出也越来越为人看重,1973年8月,Charisma发行了Genesis在Leicester和Manchester为美国广播所录制的现场录音专辑《Genesis: Live》。同年,乐队最难辨其妙的专辑《Selling England by the Pound》专辑发行。1975年是更具雄心的双LP专辑《The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway》,这张专辑标志着乐队达到了他们早期音乐生涯的顶点。在随后的法国之行中,Gabriel宣布将退出乐队,于是鼓手Collins便责无旁贷地担任了乐队的主音歌手。乐队1975年10月回到录音室开始为新专辑工作,而结果也没有令他们失望,《Trick of the Tail》在排行榜上取得了Genesis有史以来取得的最好成绩──尽管评论界和很多乐迷根本无法接受一个没有Gabriel的Genesis。1977年的《Wind and Wuthering》的成功使乐队看起来正在走向一条走向更大成功的道路上。但在此时Hackett宣布离队,他在巡演中被Daryl Steurmer代替。1978年,Genesis发行了《And Then There Were Three》,这张专辑被批评为毫无前卫摇滚气息,只是张软绵绵的流行歌曲专辑。在经过乐队成员的一段个人发展后,乐队因录制《Duke》而重聚,这是他们的首张英国榜首专辑,而1981年的《Abacab》更是将乐队推向流行乐队的行列。
1974 年后期 gabriel 离开了乐队,他的个人音乐生涯起步较慢,但最终极为成功。一时间,该乐队的前途渺茫,在无可奈何的情况下,collins 担任了乐队的主唱,并吸收 bill bruford 与他一起分担鼓手的位置。 Gabriel 提倡的戏剧化形象被放弃了。在 1976 年的专辑《a trick of the tail》中,他们发展了一种较为严谨的音乐风格。《wind and wuthering》和《…and then there were three》两个专辑在美国尤其走俏。从 1977 年起,他们开始登上排行榜,其中有十佳单曲《follow you, follow me》和《turn it on again》。
Steve hackett 于 1977 年离开乐队,从此乐队阵容便固定下来。 1981 年专辑《abacab》中,乐队增加了一个管乐声部,它同样也在 collins 的个人专辑《face value》(1981)和随后的《hello, I must be going》中出现。到 1986 年,collins 成为英国最大的热门歌曲制造者和为外国人所知的英国歌星,舆论担心他的个人成功会逐渐损害 genesis。
但 collins 的个人发展似乎丝毫没有影响 genesis,专辑《duke》有点类似早期的艺术摇滚风格,结果这又是一张销量数百万的专辑。在英国,它成为 genesis 第 1 张排行榜冠军的专辑,此后的 4 张专辑同样也都成为英国排行榜的冠军。 1986 年的《invisible touch》仅在美国就给他们带来了 500 万的销量,除标题曲获得排行榜冠军之外,还有 5 首歌曲进入了排行榜的前 10 名,包括《throwing it all away》、《land of confusion》、《tonight, tonight, tonight》和《in too deep》。
在出版了这张成功的专辑之后,乐队的成员都忙于个人发展,其中 collins 最为成功。时隔 5 年之后,他们才出版新专辑《we can't dance》,单却没有重现过去的成功,专辑在美国只卖掉了 300 万张,其中《I we can't dance》进入排行榜前 10 名,不过这样的成绩对他们来说已不算太坏了。1983年的同名选辑精选了英国的榜首单曲和美国的top 10单曲,这是他们的第二张金唱盘。两年后,乐队发行了他们迄今为止最商业的专辑《Invisible Touch》,并在随后的巡回演出中取得了只有the Rolling Stones或the Grateful Dead才能取得的佳绩。1991年的《We Can’t Dance》是Collins在乐队的最后一张专辑。 随即乐队宣告解散。

│ ├─Genesis
│ │ ├─1969 - And the Word Was… (820 496-2)
│ │ ├─1969 - And the Word Was… (P25L 25051)
│ │ ├─1969 - From Genesis To Revelation (MCCD 133)
│ │ ├─1969 - From Genesis To Revelation (TECP-25471)
│ │ ├─1969 - From Genesis To Revelation 2CD
│ │ ├─1969 - From Genesis to Revelation(1990-(No Remaster-Flat Transfer)DCC DZS-051 Steve Hoffmann USA)
│ │ ├─1969 - From.Genesis.To.Revelation(1996 Disky DC 863092 Holland)
│ │ ├─1970 - Trespass
│ │ ├─1970 - Trespass (32VD-1025)
│ │ ├─1970 - Trespass (CASCD 1020) Nimbus
│ │ ├─1970 - Trespass (MCAD-1653)
│ │ ├─1970 - Trespass (VJD-28006)
│ │ ├─1970 - Trespass(1985-Original No Remastered VC CASCD 1020 Virgin UK)
│ │ ├─1970 - Trespass(1993-No Remastered MCAD-1653 MCA Canada)
│ │ ├─1970 - Trespass(1994-Definitive Edition Remaster VC CASCDX 1020 Virgin Holland)
│ │ ├─1971 - Nursery Cryme
│ │ ├─1971 - Nursery Cryme (32VD-1026)
│ │ ├─1971 - Nursery Cryme (80030-2)
│ │ ├─1971 - Nursery Cryme {2013 Japan Mini LP SHM-CD Edition}
│ │ ├─1971 - Nursery Cryme(1985-Original No Remastered VC CASCD 1052 Virgin UK)
│ │ ├─1971 - Nursery Cryme(1994-Definitive Edition Remaster 82673-2 Atlantic USA)
│ │ ├─1972 - Foxtrot
│ │ ├─1972 - Foxtrot (32VD-1027)
│ │ ├─1972 - Foxtrot (VJCP-23115)
│ │ ├─1972 - Foxtrot(1985-Original No Remastered VC CASCD 1058 Virgin UK)
│ │ ├─1972 - Foxtrot(1988-No Remastered 81848-2 Atlantic USA)
│ │ ├─1972 - Foxtrot(1994-Definitive Edition Remaster VC CASCDX 1058 Virgin Holland)
│ │ ├─1973 - Selling England By The Pound
│ │ ├─1973 - Selling England by the Pound (32VD-1029)
│ │ ├─1973 - Selling England by the Pound (VJD-28025)
│ │ ├─1973 - Selling England By The Pound {2013 Japan Mini LP SHM-CD Edition}
│ │ ├─1973 - Selling England By The Pound(1985-Original No Remastered VC CASCD 1074 Virgin UK)
│ │ ├─1973 - Selling England By The Pound(1987-No Remastered 81568-2 (19277-2) Atlantic USA)
│ │ ├─1973 - Selling England By The Pound(1994-Definitive Edition Remaster 82675-2 Atlantic USA)
│ │ ├─1974 - The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway (401-2) 2CD
│ │ ├─1974 - The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway (VJD-25011.12) 2CD
│ │ ├─1974 - The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway 2CD
│ │ ├─1974 - The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway(1986-Original No Remastered VC CGSCD 1 Virgin) 2CD
│ │ ├─1974 - The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway(1994-Definitive Edition Remaster VJCP 68096 97 Virgin Japan) 2CD
│ │ ├─1976 - A Trick of the Tail
│ │ ├─1976 - A Trick Of The Tail (38101-2)
│ │ ├─1976 - A Trick Of The Tail (CDSCD 4001)
│ │ ├─1976 - A Trick Of The Tail (VJD-28026)
│ │ ├─1976 - A Trick of the Tail(1994-Definitive Edition Remaster 82688-2 Atlantic USA)
│ │ ├─1976 - Wind & Wuthering
│ │ ├─1976 - Wind & Wuthering (32VD-1033)
│ │ ├─1976 - Wind & Wuthering (38100-2)
│ │ ├─1976 - Wind & Wuthering (CDSCD 4005) Nimbus
│ │ ├─1976 - Wind & Wuthering (CDSCD 4005) Sonopress
│ │ ├─1976 - Wind & Wuthering(1985-Original No Remastered VC CDSCD 4005 Virgin UK)
│ │ ├─1976 - Wind & Wuthering(1994- Definitive Edition Remaster 82690-2 Atlantic USA)
│ │ ├─1977 - Seconds Out 2CD
│ │ ├─1977 - Spot The Pigeon (CDF 40)
│ │ ├─1978 - …And Then There Were Three
│ │ ├─1978 - …And Then There Were Three… (1983-Original No Remastered VC CDSCD 4010 Virgin UK)
│ │ ├─1978 - …And Then There Were Three… (1987-No Remastered 81546-2 (19173-2) Atlantic Germany)
│ │ ├─1978 - …And Then There Were Three… (1994-Definitive Edition Remaster 82691-2 Atlantic USA)
│ │ ├─1978 - …And Then There Were Three… (CDSCD 4010)
│ │ ├─1978 - …And Then There Were Three… (VJD-28089)
│ │ ├─1978 - …And Then There Were Three…. (32VD-1015)
│ │ ├─1980 - Duke
│ │ ├─1980 - Duke (16014-2)
│ │ ├─1980 - Duke (32VD-1036)
│ │ ├─1980 - Duke (CBRCD 101) PDO
│ │ ├─1980 - Duke (VJCP-23121)
│ │ ├─1980 - Genesis 2CD
│ │ ├─1981 - Abacab (19313-2)
│ │ ├─1981 - Abacab (23PD-117)
│ │ ├─1981 - Abacab (800 044-2)
│ │ ├─1981 - Abacab (CBRCD 102) Swindon
│ │ ├─1982 - Three Sides Live (810 006-2) 2cd
│ │ ├─1983 - Genesis (32PD-17)
│ │ ├─1983 - Genesis (814 287-2)
│ │ ├─1983 - Genesis (GEN CD1)
│ │ ├─1983 - Mama (866 599-2)
│ │ ├─1986 - Invisible Touch
│ │ ├─1986 - Invisible Touch (32VD-1023)
│ │ ├─1986 - Invisible Touch (81641-2)
│ │ ├─1986 - Invisible Touch (GEN CD2)
│ │ ├─1986 - Invisible Touch (GEN CD2, 0777 7 86360 2 1)
│ │ ├─1986 - Land Of Confusion (20VD-1073)
│ │ ├─1986 - Land Of Confusion (SNEG3-12)
│ │ ├─1987 - Tonight, Tonight, Tonight (DRAW 412)
│ │ ├─1991 - I Can't Dance (665 091)
│ │ ├─1991 - No Son Of Mine (664 019)
│ │ ├─1991 - We Can't Dance (GEN CD3)
│ │ ├─1991 - We Can't Dance (GEN CD3, 262 082)
│ │ ├─1991 - We Can't Dance (VJCP-25066)
│ │ ├─1991 - We Can’t Dance
│ │ ├─1992 - Hold On My Heart (665 335)
│ │ ├─1992 - Jesus He Knows Me (665 486)
│ │ ├─1992 - Tell Me Why (665 573)
│ │ ├─1997 - Calling All Stations
│ │ ├─1997 - Calling All Stations (A2 83037)
│ │ ├─1997 - Calling All Stations (GEN CD6)
│ │ ├─1997 - Congo (GENSD 12)
│ │ ├─1997 - Shipwrecked (GENDX 14)
│ │ ├─1997 - Shipwrecked (GENSD 14)
│ │ ├─1998 - Archive 1-1967-1975 4CD
│ │ ├─2000 - Archive 2 1976-1992 3CD
│ │ ├─2002 - Rare Tapes 5CD
│ │ ├─2004 - Genesis Platinum Collection (EMI 7243 863734 2 7) 3CD
│ │ ├─2007 - Genesis 1976-1982 6CD
│ │ │ ├─01 A Trick Of The Tail 1975 (2007 Remaster)
│ │ │ ├─02 Wind & Wuthering 1976 (2007 Remaster)
│ │ │ ├─03 And Then There Were Three 1978 (2007 Remaster)
│ │ │ ├─04 Duke 1980 (2007 Remaster)
│ │ │ ├─05 Abacab 1981 (2007 Remaster)
│ │ │ └─06 '76-'82 Extra Tracks (2007 Remaster)
│ │ ├─2007 - Genesis 1983-1998 Boxset (07 Remix Remaster) 5CD
│ │ ├─2007 - Turn It On Again, The Hits (The Tour Edition) 2CD
│ │ ├─2008 - Genesis 1970-1975 Boxset (08 Remix Remaster) 7CD
│ │ ├─2009 - Live Box 1973-2007 8CD
│ │ ├─2013 - Foxtrot (1972) {Japan Mini LP SHM-CD Edition}
│ │ ├─2013 - The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway (1974){Japan Mini LP SHM-CD Edition} 2CD
│ │ ├─2013 - Trespass {Japan Mini LP SHM-CD Edition}
│ │ ├─2014 - 1970-1974 (Mini LP Platinum SHM-CD Universal Music Japan 2014) 6CD
│ │ ├─2014 - R-Kive 3CD
│ │ ├─2020 - Here It Comes Again (Gazzara Plays Genesis)
│ │ ├─2021 - The Last Domino 2CD
│ ├─Steve Hackett
│ │ ├─1975 - Voyage Of The Acolyte (1988 Virgin Records, CASCD 1111, UK)
│ │ ├─1975 - Voyage Of The Acolyte (1991 Caroline Records, CAROL 1863-2, USA)
│ │ ├─1975 - Voyage Of The Acolyte (2005 EMI Records, 00946 337242 2 8, E.U.)
│ │ ├─1978 - Please Don't Touch (1988 Virgin Records, CDSCD 4012, UK)
│ │ ├─1978 - Please Don't Touch (2005 EMI Records, 00946 337222 2 4, E.U.)
│ │ ├─1979 - Spectral Mornings (1989 Virgin Records, CDSCD 4017, UK)
│ │ ├─1979 - Spectral Mornings (2005 EMI Records, 00946 352313 2 8, E.U.)
│ │ ├─1980 - Defector (1989 Virgin Records, CDSCD 4018, UK)
│ │ ├─1980 - Defector (2005 EMI Records, 00946 337209 2 3, E.U.)
│ │ ├─1981 - Cured (2007 EMI Records, 00946 384415 2 6, E.U.)
│ │ ├─1983 - Bay Of Kings (1994 WHD Entertainment Inc., IECP - 10101, Japan)
│ │ ├─1983 - Highly Strung (1989 Virgin Records, HACKCD1, UK)
│ │ ├─1984 - Till We Have Faces (1990 Castle, CLC 5004, Germany)
│ │ ├─1984 - Till We Have Faces (1994 WHD Entertainment Inc., IECP - 10102, Japan)
│ │ ├─1986 - Feedback 86 (2000 Camino Records, CAMCD21, UK)
│ │ ├─1988 - Momentum (1997 Camino Records, CAMCD 10, UK)
│ │ ├─1993 - Guitar Noir (1993 Viceroy Music, VIC8008-2, Israel)
│ │ ├─1994 - Blues With A Feeling (1994 WHD Entertainment Inc., IECP - 10106, Japan)
│ │ ├─1996 - Watcher of the Skies (Genesis Revisited) (2003 Snapper Classic, Watcher Ltd. SDPCD126, UK)
│ │ ├─1997 - A Midsummer Night's Dream (1997 Camino Records, CAMCD22, UK)
│ │ ├─1999 - Darktown (1999 Camino Records, CAMCD17, UK)
│ │ ├─2003 - To Watch The Storms (2003 Camino Records, Special Edition 6 93723 00342 9, Germany)
│ │ ├─2005 - Metamorpheus (2005 Camino Records, CAMCD35, UK)
│ │ ├─2006 - Wild Orchids (2006 Inside Out Music 2006, SPV 79172 CD, USA)
│ │ ├─2006 - Wild Orchids (2013 Inside Out Music, 0506398, Germany)
│ │ ├─2007 - Tribute (2007 Camino Records, 0187382ERE, Germany)
│ │ ├─2009 - Out of the Tunnel's Mouth (2010 Inside Out Music, 0505382, Germany)
│ │ ├─2011 - Beyond The Shrouded Horizon (2011 Inside Out Music, 0563-2, USA) 2CD
│ │ ├─2012 - Genesis Revisited II (2012 Inside Out Music, 0624-2, USA) 2CD
│ │ ├─2015 - Wolflight (2015 Inside Out Music, 0507072, Germany)
│ │ ├─2017 - The Night Siren (2017 InsideOut Music, 88985410462, Germany)
│ │ ├─2019 - At The Edge Of Light (2019 Inside Out, 19075904312, E.U.)
│ │ ├─2021 - Surrender Of Silence (Inside Out, 19439875072, Germany)
│ │ └─2021 - Under A Mediterranean Sky
│ └─Tony Banks
│ ├─1979 - A Curious Feeling (CASCD1148)
│ ├─1983 - The Fugitive (TBCD 1)
│ ├─1986 - Soundtracks (CAS CD1173)
│ ├─1989 - Bankstatement (CDV 2600)
│ ├─1991 - Still (CDV 2658)
│ └─1995 - Strictly Inc. (CDV 2790)
│ ├─1970 - Nursery Cryme DSD
│ ├─1970 - Trespass -2018R DSD
│ ├─1970 - Trespass DSD
│ ├─1970 - Trespass US DSD
│ ├─1971 - Nursery Cryme DSD
│ ├─1972 - Foxtrot (Germany) DSD
│ ├─1972 - Foxtrot DSD
│ ├─1973 - Selling England by the Pound (1st UK) DSD
│ ├─1973 - Selling England By The Pound (reissue 2008 EU) DSD
│ ├─1973 - Selling England By The Pound DSD
│ ├─1974 - Selling England By The pound (cais1074) DSD
│ ├─1974 - The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway DSD
│ ├─1974 - The Lamb lies down on broadway US DSD
│ ├─1976 - A Trick Of The Tail DSD
│ ├─1976 - Wind and Wuthering DSD
│ ├─1977 - Genesis Seconds Out DSD
│ ├─1978 - …and then there were three DSD
│ ├─1978 - Selling England By The Pound (Japan)(AT-160s+NG-6Mrd+Pio) DSD
│ ├─1980 - Duke DSD
│ ├─1981 - Abacab DSD
│ ├─1983 - Genesis DSD
│ ├─1983 - Mama DSD
│ ├─1986 - Invisible Touch DSD
│ ├─1986 - Invisible Touch. UK DSD
│ ├─1986 - Live DSD
│ ├─1987 - Tonight, Tonight, Tonight (Remix Long Version) DSD
│ ├─1991 - No Son Of Mine UK DSD
│ ├─1991 - We Cant Dance DSD
│ ├─1997 - Calling all Stations DSD
│ ├─2012 - Revisited II 4LP BoxSet DSD
│ ├─2018 - Selling England By The Pound DSD
│ └─2020 - The Lost Radio Recordings BBC Sessions 1970-1972
│ ├─1972 - Foxtrot 24-88.2
│ ├─1973 - Selling England by the Pound 24-88.2
│ ├─1974 - The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway 24-96
│ ├─1997 - …Calling All Stations… 24-96
│ ├─2012 - Steve Hackett - Genesis Revisited II 24-88.2 2CD
│ ├─2014 - Selling England By The Pound 24-96
│ ├─2020 - Steve Hackett - Genesis Revisited_Live at The Royal Albert Hall_Remaster 24-44.1
│ └─2022 - Steve Hackett - Genesis Revisited Live- Seconds Out & More 24-48
│ ├─1969 - From Genesis To Revelation 24-192
│ ├─1969 - When The Sour Turns To Sweet 24-48
│ ├─1970 - Trespass 24-192
│ ├─1970 - Trespass 24-96
│ ├─1970 - Trespass DE 32-192
│ ├─1971 - Genesis - Nursery Cryme (Charisma, CAS 1052, UK) 24-96
│ ├─1971 - Nursery Cryme (Germany) 24-192
│ ├─1971 - Nursery Cryme (UK) 24-192
│ ├─1971 - Nursery cryme (UK) 24-96
│ ├─1971 - Nursery Cryme UK 24-96
│ ├─1972 - Foxtrot 24-192
│ ├─1972 - Foxtrot 24-96
│ ├─1972 - Foxtrot 32-96
│ ├─1972 - Nursery Cryme (US) 24-192
│ ├─1972 - Trespass 32-192
│ ├─1973 - Live 24-192
│ ├─1973 - Selling England By The Pound (2018R EU) 32-192
│ ├─1973 - Selling England By The Pound EU 24-192
│ ├─1973 - Selling England By The Pound UK 24-192
│ ├─1973 - Selling England By The Pound UK 24-96
│ ├─1973 - Selling England By The Pound US 24-192
│ ├─1973 - Selling England By The Pound-2008 32-384
│ ├─1974 - The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway (Germany) 24-96
│ ├─1974 - The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway 24-96
│ ├─1975 - Selling England By The Pound 32-192
│ ├─1975 - Trespass 24-96
│ ├─1975 ?– A Trick Of The Tail 32-384
│ ├─1975 – Nursery Cryme 32-192
│ ├─1976 - A Trick of the Tail (Charisma - 4790193) 32-192
│ ├─1976 - A Trick Of The Tail (Japan R) 24-96
│ ├─1976 - A Trick of The Tail 24-192
│ ├─1976 - A Trick of the Tail 32-192
│ ├─1976 - A Trick of the Tail 32-96
│ ├─1976 - A Trick Of The Tail UK 24-192
│ ├─1976 - Wind & Wuthering (Charisma - 4790220) 32-192
│ ├─1976 - Wind & Wuthering 24-192
│ ├─1976 - Wind & Wuthering 32-192
│ ├─1976 - Wind & Wuthering SP 32-96
│ ├─1976 - Wind & Wuthering UK 24-192
│ ├─1977 - Calling All Stations 32-192
│ ├─1977 - In The Beginning 24-192
│ ├─1977 - Seconds Out (2019R)(US) 24-96
│ ├─1977 - Seconds Out (Nippon Phonogram SFX-10036~7) 24-96
│ ├─1977 - Seconds Out UK 24-192
│ ├─1977 - Seconds_Out 24-192
│ ├─1978 - …And Then There Were Three… US 24-96
│ ├─1978 - …and then there were three… (Charisma - 4790197) 32-192
│ ├─1978 - …And Then There Were Three… 24-192
│ ├─1978 - …And Then There Were Three… 32-96
│ ├─1978 - …And Then There Were Three… atlantic 32-192
│ ├─1978 - …And Then There Were Three… DE 32-192
│ ├─1978 - …And Then There Were Three… EU 24-192
│ ├─1978 - …And Then There Were Three… Germany 24-192
│ ├─1978 - …And Then There Were Three… UK 24-192
│ ├─1978 - …And Then There Were Three… UK 24-96
│ ├─1978 - …And Then There Were Three… 24-192
│ ├─1978 - Foxtrot 32-192
│ ├─1978 - The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway 32-192
│ ├─1980 - Duke (JP) 32-192
│ ├─1980 - Duke 24-192
│ ├─1980 - Duke 32-96
│ ├─1980 - The Silent Sun 24-96
│ ├─1981 - A Trick Of The Tail US 24-96
│ ├─1981 - Abacab (1984 Balkanton, Vertigo BTA 11279) 24-192
│ ├─1981 - Abacab (AB) 24-192
│ ├─1981 - Abacab (Japan 25PP-32 Promo) 24-192
│ ├─1981 - Abacab 24-192
│ ├─1981 - Abacab 24-96
│ ├─1981 - Genesis 24-96
│ ├─1981 – Abacab 32-192
│ ├─1982 - Three Sides Live 24-192
│ ├─1983 - Genesis (2018, Remastered) 24-192
│ ├─1983 - Genesis 24-192
│ ├─1983 - Genesis 24-96
│ ├─1983 - Genesis 32-192
│ ├─1983 - Mama (AT-OC9III CAB+) 24-192
│ ├─1986 - Invisible Touch (2018,Reissue) 24-192
│ ├─1986 - Invisible Touch (Denon - E.A.R. Yoshino) 24-192
│ ├─1986 - Invisible Touch 24-192
│ ├─1986 - Invisible Touch 24-96
│ ├─1986 - Invisible Touch 32-96
│ ├─1986 - Invisible Touch US 24-96
│ ├─1991 - We Can't Dance 24-192
│ ├─1993 - Live. The Way We Walk (Volume Two - The Longs) 24-96
│ ├─2004 - Nursery Cryme (US) 24-192
│ ├─2008 - Genesis 1970 - 1975 Vinyl Box-Set 6LP
│ │ ├─1970 - Trespass
│ │ ├─1971 - Nursery Cryme
│ │ ├─1972 - Foxtrot
│ │ ├─1973 - Selling England By the Pound
│ │ ├─1974 - The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway
│ ├─2012 - Foxtrot 24-192
│ ├─2014 - Nusery Crime 24-192
│ ├─2017 - Selling England By The Pound (EMI 100 Reissue) 24-96
│ └─2021 - Duke Germany 24-96
│ ├─1970 – Trespass
│ ├─1971 – Nursery Cryme
│ ├─1972 – Foxtrot
│ ├─1973 – Selling England By The Pound
│ ├─1974 – The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway 2SACD
│ ├─1976 – A Trick Of The Tail
│ ├─1976 – Wind & Wuthering
│ ├─1978 – And Then There Were Three
│ ├─1980 – Duke
│ ├─1981 - Abacab
│ ├─1983 – Genesis
│ ├─1986 – Invisible Touch
│ ├─1991 – We Can’t Dance
│ ├─1997 - Calling All Stations
│ ├─2007 - Extras Tracks 1970-1975
│ ├─2007 - Extras Tracks 1976-1982
│ └─2007 - Extras Tracks 1983-1998

**** Hidden Message *****

吉祥 发表于 2024-4-12 20:25:28

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