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Uriah Heep 1970-2018 音乐作品合集 DSD+LP 24Bit-192Khz/96Khz+Flac

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乐队于60年代末由主唱David Byron和吉他手Mick Box组建,在随后的20年中,有将近30位乐手先后加入过该乐队!在这里,我们没有介绍每位成员,只需要记得URIAH HEEP的经典三人创作组合(即David Byron/Mick Box/Ken Hensley)就够了。
Byron和Box起初是60年代中期一支叫做THE STALKERS的乐队的成员,乐队解散后,他们两个人又组织了一支名叫SPICE(可不是辣妹:P)的乐队。后来,Ken Hensley(吉他、键盘、主唱)以及贝司手Paul Newton加入了乐队,随即乐队改名为URIAH HEEP——这个名字来自狄更斯小说《大卫·科波菲尔》中一个猥琐的小人物,因为1969年正值狄更斯逝世100周年,到处都是关于他的纪念文章。乐队改名以后,起初的鼓手仍然是SPICE时期的Alex Napier,但他很快就被Nigel Olsson替代。
1970年,URIAH HEEP发行了他们的首张专辑Very 'Eavy,Very 'Umble(这张专辑在美国以Uriah Heep为名发行)并迅速得到了乐迷的认可。专辑中David Byron/Mick Box/Ken Hensley三人组合的威力虽然只是初现端倪,但已经令所有乐迷惊叹不已。就在BLACK SABBATH为重金属奠基的同时,URIAH HEEP也独立地发展了属于自己的重金属风格——前卫金属,30年后,URIAH HEEP的首张专辑被誉为1970年重金属三大奠基石之一(另外两张分别是BLACK SABBATH的Paranoid和DEEP PURPLE的In Rock,LED ZEPPELIN被认为是传统硬摇滚风格而未能入选)。
很快,Keith Baker成为了乐队的新鼓手,他参与了第二张专辑Salisbury的录制。但因为承受不了专辑发行后所进行的长途巡演的压力而退出乐队,Ian Clarke接替了他的工作。1971年初发行的Salisbury显示了乐队进一步的前卫趋向——其同名曲长达16分钟,并且加入了26人强大阵容的管弦乐部分。这张专辑在风格上偏软,不过在这张专辑发行后的同一年,他们的第三张专辑Look At Yourself却是一张不折不扣的重金属力作,疯狂的吉他和失真键盘交织出独特的金属诗篇,尤其是那首July Morning,堪与Stairway To Heaven媲美。
乐队仍处于不稳定状态,1971年底,乐队再次经历了一系列变动:Ian Clarke和Paul Newton就分别被Lee Kerslake和Mark Clarke取代。而Mark Clakee在乐队只待了很短的时间就离开了乐队并把自己的位置让给了Gary Thain。到这个时候,URIAH HEEP总算是形成了乐队历史上最稳固也最为经典的“黄金时代”阵容。
1972年,乐队以这个阵容发行了专辑Demons And Wizards,进一步诗化的曲风使专辑在商业上取得了巨大成功,在排行榜上达到了第22名(真正的重金属乐队当然不能在商业成绩上和STATUS QUO这样的流行摇滚相提并论)。借助这张专辑的影响,乐队又在同年趁势发行了Demons And Wizards的姊妹专辑The Magician's Birthday,同样是一张出色的专辑。这两张专辑是前卫金属的典范之作,它们的影响在多年之后才被逐渐认可。
乐队趁热打铁,又陆续发表了双张现场专辑Uriah Heep Live以及Sweet Freedom和Wonderworld这两张销量不错的录音室专辑。这一系列佳作使得1972到1975年成为乐队的黄金时期。 版权所有:偏执狂金属网 不过从1975以后,URIAH HEEP再次经历了频繁的人员变动,并在事业上开始走下坡路。这其中的关键莫过于乐队的创始人之一、主唱Byron在1977年离开乐队,尽管乐队很快找来了John Lawton接替他的位置,但仍然没有能扭转颓势,虽然新主唱的首张专辑Firefly还是很不错的,但已经于事无补。这之后的Innocent Victim、High And Mighty和Conquest均未能取得成功。这使得键盘手Ken Hensley无心恋战,跑去做个人专辑去了,并最终离开了乐队。这位键盘手在URIAH HEEP时期取得的辉煌成就即便在现在看来也是难以超越的,听听现在诸多前卫金属乐队小儿科般的键盘伴奏,在听听当年Ken Hensley那疯狂的键盘solo,就知道这个差距有多大了。
Ken Hensley的离开使乐队终于遭受了致命打击,尽管Mick Box独立支撑着URIAH HEEP,在整个80年代顽强地继续坚持着自己的音乐事业,不断发行新的专辑,但再也不能找回以前的辉煌了,这点很象失去了Ozzy的BLACK SABBATH。在这段时间内,他们不断变化风格以求生存,其中虽然也不乏Raging Silence和Different World这样不错的作品,但终究没法让人把他们和当年那个重金属创始人联系起来。 版权所有:偏执狂金属网 直到1995年,乐队才终于决定寻回当年的轨迹,在这年的新专辑Sea of Light中,他们完全回到了20年前的风格,放弃了一切现代化的效果,俨然又是一张Demons And Wizards。这使得他们在评论家那里大获好评,也为他们赢得了更多的演出机会。世纪之交的怀念风使乐队在1998年的专辑Sonic Origami之后,更多地忙于发行再版专辑和各种精选、现场专辑,同时到处参加演出,似乎还没有制作新专辑的迹象。不管怎样,我们仍应该对这支富于传奇色彩的乐队致以崇高的敬意。

├─70 Very 'Eavy Very 'Umble
├─71 Look At Yourelf
├─71 alibury
├─72 Demon And Wizard
├─72 The Magician Birthday
├─73 Firefly
├─74 Wonderworld
├─75 Return To Fantay
├─75 The Bet Of Uriah Heep
├─76 High And Mighty
├─77 Firefly (England),DF(track),(ART-9+NG+Tang)
├─77 Innocent Victim
├─77 weet Freedom
├─78 Fallen Angel
├─80 Conquet
├─82 Abominog
└─83 Head Firt
├─15 Abominog
├─15 Head Firt
├─1970 alibury UA
├─1970 Very 'Eavy… Very 'Umble
├─1970 Very Eavy Very Umble UA
├─1971 Look At Yourelf
├─1971 Look At Yourelf UA
├─1971 alibury Germ
├─1971 alibury UA
├─1972 Demon & Wizard
├─1972 Demon And Wizard UA
├─1972 Magician Birthday UA
├─1972 The Magician Birthday
├─1973 Live
├─1973 Live UA
├─1973 weet Freedom
├─1973 weet Freedom UA
├─1974 Wonderworld
├─1974 Wonderworld UA
├─1975 Return To Fantay
├─1975 Return To Fantay UA
├─1976 High And Mighty
├─1976 High And Mighty UA
├─1976 Ваш магнитофон
├─1977 Firefly UA
├─1977 Innocent Victim
├─1977 Innocent Victim UA
├─1978 Fallen Angel
├─1978 Fallen Angel UA
├─1980 Conquet
├─1982 Abominog
├─1983 Head Firt
├─1985 Anthology France Raw Power RAWLP 012, 2 LP
├─1998 onic Origami
├─2008 Wake The leeper
└─2011 Into The Wild
└─2014 Outsider (180g grey vinyl DE LP )
├─1985. The Bet Of
├─1988. Collection 2CD
│ ├─1988. Collection (Legacy Rec.,Carrere 96 666,France)
│ └─1988. Collection (Legacy Rec.,LLMCD 3019,weden)
├─1989. Miletone 2CD
├─1989. uper 20
├─1992. Eay Livin'
├─1992. till 'Eavy, till Proud
├─1993. The Landowne Tape
├─1993. The Very Bet Of Uriah Heep
├─1996. The Bet Of…Part 1
├─1997. The Bet Of…Part 2
├─2001. Greatet Hit 2CD
├─2006. Eay Livin' - The ingle A' & B' 2CD
├─2015. Totally Driven 2CD
└─2016. The Definitive Anthology 1970-1990 2CD
├─1973. Live January 1973 5CD
│ ├─1973. Live January 1973 (Bronze Rec. 353 608, Germany)
│ ├─1973. Live January 1973 (Mercury 822 790-2, UA)
│ ├─1973. Live January 1973 (anctuary Rec CMTDD 329, England)
│ ├─1973. Live January 1973 (Teichiku 32DN-52.53, Japan )
│ │ ├─Uriah Heep Live 1973 ( 32DN-52 )
│ │ └─Uriah Heep Live 1973 ( 32DN-53 )
│ └─1973. Live January 1973 De-Luxe Edition (anctuary MDDD772,EU)
├─1974. Live at hepperton '74
├─1979. Live In Europe
├─1988. Live In Mocow 2CD
│ ├─1988. Live In Mocow (Legacy INT 848.811,Germany)
│ └─1988. Live In Mocow (Legacy Rec.,Carrere,96.574,France)
├─2003. Live in The UA
├─2010. Live On Air
├─2011. Acoutically Driven
├─2011. Live In Armenia 2CD
└─2015. Live At Koko 2CD
├─1970. …very 'eavy …very 'umble 7CD
│ ├─1970. …very 'eavy …very 'umble (Catle CLACD 105, France)
│ ├─1970. …very 'eavy …very 'umble (Catle EMCD 316, England)
│ ├─1970. …very 'eavy… very 'umble (Teichiku 18DN-55, Japan )
│ ├─1970. …very 'eavy…very 'umble (Bronze Rec. 258 294,Germany)
│ ├─1970. …very 'eavy…very 'umble (anctuary Rec. CMTCD 327,England)
│ ├─1970. …very 'eavy…very 'umble Expanded De-Luxe Edition (anctuary MRCD048,Germany)
│ └─1970. Uriah Heep ( Mercury, 834 769-2, UA)
├─1971. Look at Yourelf 8CD
│ ├─1971. Look At Yourelf (Bronze Rec. 260 138, Germany)
│ ├─1971. Look at Yourelf (Catle CLACD 107, England)
│ ├─1971. Look at Yourelf (Catle EMCD 318, England)
│ ├─1971. Look at Yourelf (Mercury, 814180-2, UA)
│ ├─1971. Look At Yourelf (anctuary Rec. CMTCD 174, England)
│ ├─1971. Look At Yourelf (Teichiku 18DN-51, Japan )
│ ├─1971. Look At Yourelf (Victor VDP-1148, Japan )
│ └─1971. Look At Yourelf Expanded De-Luxe Edition (anctuary MRCD050,Germany)
├─1971. alibury 7CD
│ ├─1971. alibury (Bronze Rec. 258 295, Germany)
│ ├─1971. alibury (Catle CLACD 106, W.Germany)
│ ├─1971. alibury (Catle EMCD 317, England)
│ ├─1971. alibury (Mercury 811389-2, UA)
│ ├─1971. alibury (anctuary Rec. CMTCD 328, England)
│ ├─1971. alibury (Teichiku TECP-18011, Japan )
│ └─1971. alibury Expanded De-Luxe Edition (anctuary MRCD049,Germany)
├─1972. Demon And Wizard 9CD
│ ├─1972. Demon And Wizad (Victor VDP-1149, Japan)
│ ├─1972. Demon And Wizard (Bronze Rec. 260 137,Germany)
│ ├─1972. Demon And Wizard (Carrere, 96571-Carrere,France)
│ ├─1972. Demon And Wizard (Catle CLACD 108, France)
│ ├─1972. Demon And Wizard (Catle EMCD 319, England)
│ ├─1972. Demon And Wizard (Mercury, 812297-2, UA)
│ ├─1972. Demon And Wizard (anctuary Rec. CMTCD 172, England)
│ ├─1972. Demon And Wizard (Teichiku 18DN-54, Japan)
│ └─1972. Demon And Wizard Expanded De-Luxe Edition (anctuary MRCD051,Germany)
├─1972. The Magician' Birthday 8CD
│ ├─1972. The Magician' Birthday (Bronze Rec. 260 135, Germany)
│ ├─1972. The Magician' Birthday (Carrere,Legacy Rec.,96 783-Carrere,France)
│ ├─1972. The Magician' Birthday (Catle CLACD 109, England)
│ ├─1972. The Magician' Birthday (Catle EMCD 339, England)
│ ├─1972. The Magician' Birthday (Mercury 812 298-2, UA)
│ ├─1972. The Magician' Birthday (anctuary Rec. CMTCD 173, England)
│ ├─1972. The Magician' Birthday (Teichiku TECP-18009, Japan )
│ └─1972. The Magician' Birthday Expanded De-Luxe Edition (anctuary MRCD052,Germany)
├─1973. weet Freedom 8CD
│ ├─1973. weet Freedom (Bronze Rec. 260 316, Germany)
│ ├─1973. weet Freedom (Carrere,Legacy Rec. 96 662,France)
│ ├─1973. weet Freedom (Catle CLACD 183, England)
│ ├─1973. weet Freedom (Catle EMCD 338, England)
│ ├─1973. weet Freedom (Legacy Rec. LLMCD 3016, weden)
│ ├─1973. weet Freedom (Roadracer RRD 9353, UA)
│ ├─1973. weet Freedom (Teichiku TECP-18012, Japan)
│ └─1973. weet Freedom Expanded De-Luxe Edition (anctuary MRCD011,Germany)
├─1974. Wonderworld 6CD
│ ├─1974. Wonderworld (Bronze Rec. 260 134, Germany)
│ ├─1974. Wonderworld (Catle CLACD184, England)
│ ├─1974. Wonderworld (Catle EMCD 380, England)
│ ├─1974. Wonderworld (Legacy LLMCD-3017, weden)
│ ├─1974. Wonderworld (Teichiku TECP-18013, Japan)
│ └─1974. Wonderworld Expanded De-Luxe Edition (anctuary MRCD012,Germany)
├─1975. Return To Fantay 6CD
│ ├─1975. Return To Fantay (Bronze Rec. 260 132,Germany )
│ ├─1975. Return To Fantay (Catle CLACD 175, France)
│ ├─1975. Return to Fantay (Legacy Rec. LLMCD 3018, weden)
│ ├─1975. Return To Fantay (equel 1001-2, UA)
│ ├─1975. Return To Fantay (Teichiku TECP-18010, Japan )
│ └─1975. Return To Fantay Expanded De-Luxe Edition (anctuary MRCD100,Germany)
├─1976. High & Mighty 5CD
│ ├─1976. High & Mighty (Catle CLACD 191, England)
│ ├─1976. High & Mighty (Catle EMCD 468, England)
│ ├─1976. High And Mighty (Bronze Rec. 260 133, Germany)
│ ├─1976. High And Mighty (anctuary Rec. CMTCD 538, England)
│ └─1976. High And Mighty Expanded De-Luxe Edition (anctuary MRCD101,Germany)
├─1977. Firefly 5CD
│ ├─1977. Firefly (Bronze Rec. 260 131, Germany)
│ ├─1977. Firefly (Catle CLACD 190, England)
│ ├─1977. Firefly (Catle Rec. EMCD 559, England)
│ ├─1977. Firefly (Teichiku TECX-25388, Japan )
│ └─1977. Firefly Expanded De-Luxe Edition (anctuary MRCD107,Germany)
├─1977. Innocent Victim 4CD
│ ├─1977. Innocent Victim (Bronze Rec. 260 130, Germany)
│ ├─1977. Innocent Victim (Catle CLACD 210 England)
│ ├─1977. Innocent Victim (Catle EMCD 560, England)
│ └─1977. Innocent Victim Expanded De-luxe Edition (anctuary RMCD 108,EU)
├─1978. Fallen Angel 3CD
│ ├─1978. Fallen Angel (Catle CLACD 176, France)
│ ├─1978. Fallen Angel (Catle EMCD 561, England)
│ └─1978. Fallen Angel Expanded De-Luxe Edition (anctuary MRCD111,Germany)
├─1980. Conquet 2CD
│ ├─1980. Conquet (Catle CLACD 208, England)
│ └─1980. Conquet Expanded De-Luxe Edition (anctuary MRCD112,Germany)
├─1982. Abominog 4CD
│ ├─1982. Abominog (Bronze Rec. 254 532, Germany)
│ ├─1982. Abominog (Catle CLACD 110, England)
│ ├─1982. Abominog (Catle EMCD 571, England)
│ └─1982. Abominog Expanded De-luxe Edition (anctuary MRCD 185, EU)
├─1983. Head Firt 4CD
│ ├─1983. Head Firt (Bronze 255 474, Germany)
│ ├─1983. Head Firt (Catle, CLACD 209, France)
│ ├─1983. Head Firt (Catle, EMCD 572, England)
│ └─1983. Head Firt Expanded De-luxe Edition (anctuary MRCD 186, EU)
├─1985. Equator (Columbia 493339 2, UK)
├─1989. Raging ilence 4CD
│ ├─1989. Raging ilence (Catle CLACD 277, Germany)
│ ├─1989. Raging ilence (Teichiku 25DN-50, Japan )
│ ├─1989. Raging ilence De-luxe Edition (anctuary MRCD323, EU)
│ └─1989.Raging ilence (Lynx-Legacy, LRCD 5005, weden)
├─1991. Different World 5CD
│ ├─1991. Different World (Catle CLACD 279, Germany)
│ ├─1991. Different World (Catle CMACD 558, UA)
│ ├─1991. Different World (Legacy INT 848.814, Germany)
│ ├─1991. Different World (Teichiku TECP-25815, Japan)
│ └─1991. Different World De-luxe Edition (anctuary MRCD324, EU)
├─1995. ea Of Light (Eagle Rec. EABCD 119, UK)
├─1998. onic Origami pitfire Rec. 6-70211-5032-2, UA
├─2008. Wake The leeper anctuary Rec. 1767027, UK
├─2009. Celebration - Forty Year Of Rock Edel GmbH,0198922ERE,Germany
├─2011. Into the Wild Frontier Rec. CD57001, Argentina
├─2014. Outider Frontier Rec. FR CD 650, Italy
└─2018. Living The Dream

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查看完整版本: Uriah Heep 1970-2018 音乐作品合集 DSD+LP 24Bit-192Khz/96Khz+Flac