01. 龙腾虎跃 (浙东锣鼓)
Flying Dragons and Leaping Tigers
(Eastern Zhejiang gong and drum music)
02. 西域驼铃 (敲击乐合奏)
Camel Bells in Tibet (for percussion ensemble)
03. 潮州大锣鼓-社庆
Popular Festivity (for Chaozhou big gong and drum ensemble)
04. 新疆姑娘 (木琴与手鼓)
Xinjiang Girls (Xylophone and hand-drum)
05. 老虎磨牙 (西安鼓乐)
The Menacing Tiger (Xian percussion music)
06. 醒狮贺岁 (广东吹打)
Wakeful Lions Celebrating New Year
(Cantonese wind and percussion music)
07. 万年欢 (山东吹打)
Everlasting Joy (Shandong folk wind and percussion music)
08. 喜迎春 (山西吹打)
Welcoming Spring (Shanxi wind and percussion music)