专辑中文名: 巴托克 乐队协奏曲 Bartok Concerto for orchestra
Concerto for Orchestra, Music for strings, Percussion and Celesta
别名: 为管弦乐队所做的协奏曲
艺术家: 莱纳 Reiner
发行时间: 1955年
地区: 美国
莱纳演指挥芝加哥交响乐团(RCA 09026-61504-2),《留声机》杂志百大明盘之一。
这张录制于1955~1958年的录音是RCA Living Stero的经典录音之一。从莱纳一丝不苟的演绎中,
1. Concerto For Orchestra: Introduzione: Andante non troppo; Allegra vivace
2. Concerto For Orchestra: Giuoco delle coppie: Allegretto scherzando
3. Concerto For Orchestra: Elegia: Andante non troppo
4. Concerto For Orchestra: Intermezzo interrotto: Allegretto
5. Concerto For Orchestra: Finale: Pesante; Presto
6. Music For Strings, Percussion And Celesta: Andante tranquillo
7. Music For Strings, Percussion And Celesta: Allegro
8. Music For Strings, Percussion And Celesta: Adagio
9. Music For Strings, Percussion And Celesta: Allegro molto
10. Hungarian Sketches: An Evening In The Village
11. Hungarian Sketches: Bear
12. Hungarian Sketches: Melody
13. Hungarian Sketches: Slighty
14. Hungarian Sketches: Swineherd's Dance