艺术家:哈斯米克·帕皮安(Hasmik Papian)与瓦尔丹·马米科尼扬(Vardan Mamikonian)
专辑名称:《向科米塔斯致敬》(Hommage à Komitas)
厂牌:奥迪特音乐制作公司(audite Musikproduktion)
01. 《亚美尼亚歌曲》:《杏树》(Tsirani tsar - The Apricot Tree)(3分03秒)
02. 《亚美尼亚歌曲》:《春天来了》(Garoun a - It's Springtime)(2分42秒)
03. 《亚美尼亚歌曲》:《安托尼奥——无家可归者》(Antouni - Homeless)(4分34秒)
04. 《亚美尼亚歌曲》:《鸣叫吧,鹤》(Kantche krounk - Caw, Crane)(2分39秒)
05. 《亚美尼亚歌曲》:《春天》(Garoun - Springtime)(3分48秒)
06. 《亚美尼亚歌曲》:《儿童的祈祷——我们的天父》(Mankakan aghotq - Hayr Mer - Children's Prayer - Our Father)(0分59秒)
07. 《亚美尼亚歌曲》:《摇篮曲》(Oror - Lullaby)(2分49秒)
08. 《亚美尼亚歌曲》:《像一棵白杨树》(Tchinar es - Like a Poplar)(3分16秒)
09. 《亚美尼亚歌曲》:《天空多云》(Yerkinqn ampel e - The Sky is Cloudy)(1分15秒)
10. 《亚美尼亚歌曲》:《亲爱的肖赫尔》(Shogher djan - Dear Shogher)(1分07秒)
11. 《亚美尼亚歌曲》:《我不会跳舞》(Tchem grna xagha - I Can not Dance)(1分14秒)
12. 《亚美尼亚歌曲》:《大步前行,容光焕发》(Qeler, tsoler - Striding, Beaming)(2分34秒)
13. 《亚美尼亚歌曲》:《我从山上下来》(Yes saren goukayi - I Came Down From the Mountain)(2分10秒)
14. 《亚美尼亚歌曲》:《这条小溪》(Es aroun - This Brook)(0分37秒)
15. 《亚美尼亚歌曲》:《嘿,纳赞》(Hoy, Nazan)(1分26秒)
16. 《亚美尼亚歌曲》:《谢谢——谢谢》(Shaxkur-Shouxkur)(0分47秒)
17. 《亚美尼亚歌曲》:《哦,我亲爱的母鹿》(Ax, maral djan - Oh, My Dear Doe)(2分36秒)
18. 《亚美尼亚歌曲》:《阿拉加兹山(云雾笼罩)》(Alagyaz sarn ampel a - Mount Alagyaz (Shrouded in Clouds))(1分23秒)
19. 《亚美尼亚歌曲》:《香树》(Xnki tsar - The Incense Tree)(0分40秒)
20. 《亚美尼亚歌曲》:《天空中拱状的云密布》(Ampel a kamar kamar - Heaven Has Become Clouded in Arches)(1分31秒)
21. 《亚美尼亚歌曲》:《来回大步走!》(Qele, qele - Stride Up and Down!)(2分05秒)
22. 《亚美尼亚歌曲》:《鹧鸪之歌》(Kaqavi yerg - The Partridge Song)(0分58秒)
23. 《亚美尼亚歌曲》:《这个月光之夜》(Es gisher, lousnak gisher - This Moonlit Night)(1分42秒)
24. 《亚美尼亚歌曲》:《哦,多么大的灾难》(Leh, leh, yaman - Oh, What a Catastrophe)(3分38秒)
25. 《亚美尼亚歌曲》:《鹤》(Krounk - The Crane)(3分44秒)
26. 《亚美尼亚歌曲》:《亚美尼亚》(Hayastan - Armenia)(2分51秒)
27. 《根据德国诗歌创作的九首歌曲》:《四月》(April)(1分39秒)
28. 《根据德国诗歌创作的九首歌曲》:《春日的宁静》(Frühlingsruhe)(1分16秒)
29. 《根据德国诗歌创作的九首歌曲》:《你问?》(Du Fragst?)(1分31秒)
30. 《根据德国诗歌创作的九首歌曲》:《来吧,哦,黑夜》(Komm, o Nacht)(2分24秒)
31. 《根据德国诗歌创作的九首歌曲》:《大海的平静》(Meeresstille)(1分27秒)
32. 《根据德国诗歌创作的九首歌曲》:《顺利的航行》(Glückliche Fahrt)(0分54秒)
33. 《根据德国诗歌创作的九首歌曲》:《夜歌》(Nachtlied)(1分29秒)
34. 《根据德国诗歌创作的九首歌曲》:《雾》(Nebel)(1分27秒)
35. 《根据德国诗歌创作的九首歌曲》:《风暴的神话》(Sturmesmythe)(4分54秒)
亚美尼亚僧侣索戈蒙·索戈莫尼扬(Soghomon Soghomonian),更广为人知的是他作为牧师的名字科米塔斯(Komitas)。大约在1900年,他在凡湖、黑海和南高加索之间的亚美尼亚高地旅行期间,收集了数百首民歌。这些历经数个世纪口头传承下来的歌曲,展现了这个古老民族独特文化的古朴特质——而这种文化在1915年至1917年奥斯曼帝国对亚美尼亚人的种族灭绝中几乎被彻底消灭。1915年4月,科米塔斯本人成为大规模逮捕和驱逐的受害者;尽管他幸免于难,但这段经历使他精神崩溃,余生都在精神病院度过。这位在柏林等地接受过教育的作曲家和民族音乐学家,也致力于研究亚美尼亚使徒教会的礼仪传统;如今,他被视为现代亚美尼亚古典音乐的奠基人。他将自己收集的部分民间旋律改编成了艺术歌曲(以及合唱作品)。这张超级音频光盘(SACD)旨在向更广泛的听众呈现这份文化瑰宝中最著名歌曲的代表性录音;除了在亚美尼亚国内以及世界各地的亚美尼亚侨民群体中,这些音乐在很大程度上并不为人所知。这些立刻就能吸引人的歌曲,是处于东西方交汇点的基督教亚美尼亚身份的典型代表,它们讲述着雄伟的山脉、对失去的故土的思念、这个民族深刻且持续不断的苦难,以及爱。
Artist: Hasmik Papian & Vardan Mamikonian
Title: Hommage à Komitas
Year Of Release: 2006
Label: audite Musikproduktion
Genre: Classical
Quality: 24bit-44.1kHz FLAC (tracks)
Total Time: 01:13:09
Total Size: 621 MB
WebSite: Album Preview
01. Armenian Songs: Tsirani tsar - The Apricot Tree (3:03)
02. Armenian Songs: Garoun a - It's Springtime (2:42)
03. Armenian Songs: Antouni - Homeless (4:34)
04. Armenian Songs: Kantche krounk - Caw, Crane (2:39)
05. Armenian Songs: Garoun - Springtime (3:48)
06. Armenian Songs: Mankakan aghotq - Hayr Mer - Children's Prayer - Our Father (0:59)
07. Armenian Songs: Oror - Lullaby (2:49)
08. Armenian Songs: Tchinar es - Like a Poplar (3:16)
09. Armenian Songs: Yerkinqn ampel e - The Sky is Cloudy (1:15)
10. Armenian Songs: Shogher djan - Dear Shogher (1:07)
11. Armenian Songs: Tchem grna xagha - I Can not Dance (1:14)
12. Armenian Songs: Qeler, tsoler - Striding, Beaming (2:34)
13. Armenian Songs: Yes saren goukayi - I Came Down From the Mountain (2:10)
14. Armenian Songs: Es aroun - This Brook (0:37)
15. Armenian Songs: Hoy, Nazan (1:26)
16. Armenian Songs: Shaxkur-Shouxkur (0:47)
17. Armenian Songs: Ax, maral djan - Oh, My Dear Doe (2:36)
18. Armenian Songs: Alagyaz sarn ampel a - Mount Alagyaz (Shrouded in Clouds) (1:23)
19. Armenian Songs: Xnki tsar - The Incense Tree (0:40)
20. Armenian Songs: Ampel a kamar kamar - Heaven Has Become Clouded in Arches (1:31)
21. Armenian Songs: Qele, qele - Stride Up and Down! (2:05)
22. Armenian Songs: Kaqavi yerg - The Partridge Song (0:58)
23. Armenian Songs: Es gisher, lousnak gisher - This Moonlit Night (1:42)
24. Armenian Songs: Leh, leh, yaman - Oh, What a Catastrophe (3:38)
25. Armenian Songs: Krounk - The Crane (3:44)
26. Armenian Songs: Hayastan - Armenia (2:51)
27. Nine Songs on German Poems: April (1:39)
28. Nine Songs on German Poems: Frühlingsruhe (1:16)
29. Nine Songs on German Poems: Du Fragst? (1:31)
30. Nine Songs on German Poems: Komm, o Nacht (2:24)
31. Nine Songs on German Poems: Meeresstille (1:27)
32. Nine Songs on German Poems: Glückliche Fahrt (0:54)
33. Nine Songs on German Poems: Nachtlied (1:29)
34. Nine Songs on German Poems: Nebel (1:27)
35. Nine Songs on German Poems: Sturmesmythe (4:54)
The Armenian monk Soghomon Soghomonian, better known by his priest’s name of Komitas, collected hundreds of folksongs around 1900 during the course of his travels through the Armenian highlands between Van Lake, the Black Sea and the southern Caucasus. These songs, handed down orally over the centuries, express all the archaism of this ancient people’s unmistakeable culture – a culture than was nearly extinguished in the genocide of the Armenians during the Ottoman Empire from 1915 to 1917. Komitas was himself a victim of mass arrests and deportation in April 1915; although he escaped being murdered, the experience left him a mentally broken man and he spent the rest of his life in psychiatric institutions. This composer and ethnomusicologist, educated in Berlin amongst other places, also occupied himself with the liturgical tradition of the Armenian Apostolic Church; today he is considered the founder of classical modern Armenian music. He set a portion of his collected folk melodies as arts songs (and also choral works). This SACD aims to present a representative recording of the best-known songs of this cultural treasure to a wider listening public; this music is largely unknown except in Armenia and amongst the worldwide Armenian Diaspora. The immediately gripping Lieder, so typical of the Christian-Armenian identity on the point of intersection between Orient and Occident, tell of majestic mountains and of longing for the lost homeland, of the profound and ever-continuing suffering of this people, as well as of love.
Alongside 26 Armenian Lieder altogether, the CD also contains nine Lieder to texts by German poets (including Goethe, Lenau and Uhland) set by Komitas during his period of study in Berlin. In these Lieder, recorded here for the first time, one can hear how familiar the Armenian composer was with the Western tradition extending from Schubert to Hugo Wolf and Richard Strauss. The booklet includes the complete Lied texts, printed in Armenian, German, English and French, as well as a detailed text on the life and work of Komitas.
Hasmik Papian, soprano
Vardan Mamikonian, piano