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08-芬兰巴洛克管弦乐团成员 - 《克里斯托夫·格劳普纳:三重奏鸣曲》,2014年,Hi-Res,24B-96.0kHz

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专辑名称:《克里斯托夫·格劳普纳:三重奏鸣曲》(Christoph Graupner: Trio Sonatas)
音质:FLAC无损格式 / 24比特-96.0千赫兹FLAC格式
总大小:305兆字节(FLAC无损格式)/ 1.14吉字节(24比特-96.0千赫兹FLAC格式)

01. 《F大调三重奏鸣曲》,GWV 210:第一乐章,广板
02. 《F大调三重奏鸣曲》,GWV 210:第二乐章,快板
03. 《F大调三重奏鸣曲》,GWV 210:第三乐章,行板
04. 《F大调三重奏鸣曲》,GWV 210:第四乐章,活泼的
05. 《C小调三重奏鸣曲》,GWV 203:第一乐章,活泼的
06. 《C小调三重奏鸣曲》,GWV 203:第二乐章,广板
07. 《C小调三重奏鸣曲》,GWV 203:第三乐章,快板
08. 《C大调三重奏鸣曲》,GWV 201:第一乐章,广板且恰当的
09. 《C大调三重奏鸣曲》,GWV 201:第二乐章,快板
10. 《C大调三重奏鸣曲》,GWV 201:第三乐章,广板-快板
11. 《D小调三重奏鸣曲》,GWV 207:第一乐章,无渐快
12. 《D小调三重奏鸣曲》,GWV 207:第二乐章,广板
13. 《D小调三重奏鸣曲》,GWV 207:第三乐章,快板但不太快
14. 《E大调三重奏鸣曲》,GWV 208:第一乐章,广板
15. 《E大调三重奏鸣曲》,GWV 208:第二乐章,快板
16. 《E大调三重奏鸣曲》,GWV 208:第三乐章,广板
17. 《E大调三重奏鸣曲》,GWV 208:第四乐章,活泼的
18. 《降B大调三重奏鸣曲》,GWV 217:第一乐章,广板-活泼的
19. 《降B大调三重奏鸣曲》,GWV 217:第二乐章,广板且绵延的
20. 《降B大调三重奏鸣曲》,GWV 217:第三乐章,活泼的

芬兰巴洛克管弦乐团成员 - 《克里斯托夫·格劳普纳:三重奏鸣曲》(2014年)[高解析度]


特别值得一提的是,在其中两首三重奏鸣曲中,查鲁莫单簧管的音色十分独特,这个乐器的名字也被用来命名如今单簧管的低音音域。正如你可能预期的那样,这种柔和且悦耳的音色与鲁特琴和小提琴的轻柔配合达到了完美的平衡,但它是一种不寻常的音色,为这些作品赋予了一种对话般的特质。在《GWV 201》中,它与巴松管的组合尤其美妙。


这些演奏中的音乐素养堪称典范,通奏低音的羽管键琴演奏得恰到好处,带有日耳曼式的克制,前面提到的管乐器不仅富有个性地演奏,节奏精准,而且富有抒情表现力。小提琴和维奥尔琴也是如此,在《GWV 207》中,佩尔塔·阿米诺夫(Perta Aminoff)长笛的甜美音色值得一提,尽管格劳普纳在这首三重奏鸣曲第一乐章中无休止的音型序列并非他最出色的创作。

作为J.S. 巴赫的同时代人,格劳普纳的音乐与他的朋友泰勒曼的音乐更为相近,而且很明显,他那轻松愉悦的音乐风格使他比巴赫更受欢迎,正如小册子注释中所描述的,巴赫被称为“狭隘的”,并且更多地与教堂的管风琴阁楼相关联,而非当时的宫廷风尚。如今,我们更欣赏巴赫超凡的创造力,但格劳普纳在旋律创作上的天赋和他的音乐趣味也有很多值得欣赏之处。《GWV 208》中相互较量的小提琴旋律带有维瓦尔第的影子,各奏鸣曲之间乐器配置的变化构成了一个完美且录制精良的专辑,而且每一首奏鸣曲都有着自身的内在对比和令人惊喜的欢乐时刻。

Artist: Members of the Finnish Baroque Orchestra
Title: Christoph Graupner: Trio Sonatas
Year Of Release: 2020
Label: Ondine
Genre: Classical
Quality: flac lossless / flac 24bits - 96.0kHz
Total Time: 00:58:14
Total Size: 305 mb / 1.14 gb
WebSite: Album Preview


01. Trio Sonata in F Major, GWV 210: I. Largo
02. Trio Sonata in F Major, GWV 210: II. Allegro
03. Trio Sonata in F Major, GWV 210: III. Andante
04. Trio Sonata in F Major, GWV 210: IV. Vivace
05. Trio Sonata in C Minor, GWV 203: I. Vivace
06. Trio Sonata in C Minor, GWV 203: II. Largo
07. Trio Sonata in C Minor, GWV 203: III. Allegro
08. Trio Sonata in C Major, GWV 201: I. Largo e giusto
09. Trio Sonata in C Major, GWV 201: II. Allegro
10. Trio Sonata in C Major, GWV 201: III. Largo-Allegro
11. Trio Sonata in D Minor, GWV 207: I. Senz' acceleranza
12. Trio Sonata in D Minor, GWV 207: II. Largo
13. Trio Sonata in D Minor, GWV 207: III. Allegro ma non presto
14. Trio Sonata in E Major, GWV 208: I. Largo
15. Trio Sonata in E Major, GWV 208: II. Allegro
16. Trio Sonata in E Major, GWV 208: III. Largo
17. Trio Sonata in E Major, GWV 208: IV. Vivace
18. Trio Sonata in B-Flat Major, GWV 217: I. Largo-Vivace
19. Trio Sonata in B-Flat Major, GWV 217: II. Largo e sostenuto
20. Trio Sonata in B-Flat Major, GWV 217: III. Vivace

Members of the Finnish Baroque Orchestra - Christoph Graupner: Trio Sonatas (2014) [Hi-Res]

Ondine and the Finnish Baroque Orchestra have warmed us up to Christoph Graupner with their recording of Orchestral Suites (see review). This might seem a grander project but with an orchestra numbering teens rather than tens of musicians and plenty of intimate chamber-musical moments in those orchestral works these titles go together like peas in a pod.

Particularly distinctive is the sound of the chalumeau in two of these trios, an instrument which has lent its name to the lower range sound of today’s clarinet. As you might expect, this soft and mellifluous sound is perfectly balanced with the gentle partnership of lute and violin, but it is an unusual colour and one which lends a conversational voice to these pieces. The combination with bassoon in GWV 201 is particularly delicious.

Christoph Graupner is associated with a vast number of cantatas as well as a substantial output of orchestral work, keyboard partitas and chamber music, so this programme is only a small sample of the trios. Searching online this was the only recording currently available of such works by this composer, so I have no comparison material, but with the quality of playing on offer here I don’t feel much need to complain about this situation. The booklet notes tell us that Graupner’s manuscripts were long inaccessible due to a legal dispute but that they are now available for study at the library in Darmstadt University, so it seems likely that there will be more previously unknown music from this source, something which is to be welcomed wholeheartedly.

The musicianship in these performances is exemplary, with continuo harpsichord nicely balanced and played with Germanic restraint, the aforementioned winds projecting with character and plenty of rhythmic precision as well as lyrical expressiveness. The same goes for violin and gamba, and the sweet tone of Perta Aminoff’s flute in GWV 207 deserves mention though Graupner’s endless sequences in the first movement of this trio are not his finest moment.

A contemporary of J.S. Bach, Graupner’s music is allied more closely to that of his friend Telemann, and it is fairly clear how his easy and entertaining sounds made him more popular than Bach, dubbed as ‘parochial’ in the booklet notes and more associated with the church organ loft than in the courtly fashions of the day. Today we enjoy Bach’s transcendent creativity more, but there is much to appreciate in Graupner’s melodic inventiveness and sense of fun. GWV 208 has echoes of Vivaldi in its duelling violins, the changes in instrumentation between sonatas make for a perfect and immaculately recorded programme, and each sonata offers its own inner contrasts and moments of joyous surprise.


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